Issuance of the new RG is happening in different states; know more

It is common that, as the years go by, certain documents undergo a redesign, or even an update. Technology has also helped a lot in this change of documents, including many now have a digital version through applications for cell phones, such as, for example, the voter registration card.

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Now the RG has a new face, and the change is gradually taking place in different regions of Brazil. In addition to the physical version, the RG also won its digital version, and is now available in the state of Goiás. People who are going to make the document for the first time will be able to issue their RG free of charge, as well as people who need to update it due to the expiration of the document. The issuance is made through public agencies of the state, such as the Secretariat of Public Security (SSP).

It is worth remembering that not all states are providing this new update yet. The deadline stipulated for the transition of the RG is March 6, 2023. The Minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, Luiz Eduardo Ramos, commented on how important it is to unify the document throughout the national territory.

“Gradually, we will no longer have an identity card for each state. There are 26 states and the Federal District, each with its portfolio. This is going to end. There will be a unique identification of the citizen”, he said.

In view of the news of the new RG, here are some changes:

  • Inclusion of blood group and RH factor in the document;
  • Presence of the citizenship of the citizen;
  • Authentication of the document via QR Code;
  • Adjustment of the identity card for the entire national territory;
  • Mandatory biometrics (fingerprint);
  • Adoption of the international standard of the MRZ code, the same as the passport.

Another change that should be highlighted is that the expiry dates are different:

  • From 0 to 12 years becomes valid for 5 years;
  • From 12 to 60 years of age, validity is 10 years;
  • For those aged 60 or over, the validity is indefinite.

According to the Ministry of Economy, the issuance of the new identity card is aimed primarily at people who need to update information on the CPF. Those who have incorrect information can also resort to public bodies to regularize their situation.

Here are some places that issue the new document in Goiás:

  • Alexânia City Hall Office (Rua 15 de Novembro, number 6);
  • Vapt-Vupt Unit at Praça Cívica, in Goiânia (Praça Dr. Pedro Ludovico Teixeira);
  • Anashopping Vapt-Vupt Unit, in Anápolis (Avenida Universitária, 2045).

To find out if document updates are already happening in your state, just contact the public bodies.

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