Hyphen – What has changed? Use of the hyphen

Not if you use the hyphen:
1. In formations where the prefix or false prefix ends in vowel it's the second term begins in r or s. In this case, these consonants are duplicated: anti-religious, stage control, infrasound, microsystem, miniskirt, microradiography, etc.
2. In constitutions where the prefix or pseudo-prefix ends in vowel And the second term begins with different vowel: anti-aircraft, out-of-school, co-education, highway, self-learning, hydroelectric, multi-year, driving school, infrastructure, etc.
3. In formations, in general, which contain the prefixes des- and in- and the second element has lost the initial h: inhumane, awkward, disable, etc.
4. In training with the prefix co-, even when the second element starts with O: cooperation, co-obligation, coordinate, co-occupant, co-author, co-edition, coexist, etc.
5. In certain words that with use acquired a notion of composition: kick, sunflower, parachute, parachutist, etc.
6. In some compounds with the adverb “well”: benefeito, benquerer, benquerido, etc.
The hyphen is used:

1. In formations in which the prefix has a word beginning with h as the second term: sub-hepatic, electro-hygrometer, geo-history, neo-Hellenic, extra-human, semi-hospital, superman.
2. In formations in which the prefix or pseudoprefix ends in the same vowel as the second element: microwave, electro-optical, semi-internal, self-observation, etc.

Note: The hyphen is suppressed when to form other terms: recover, awkward, inhuman, werewolf, rehabilitate.

By Sabrinha Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
See too!

Hyphen - What remains the same?

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/acordo-ortografico/hifen-o-que-mudou.htm

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