HDI: nutrition of the Brazilian population

For a good quality of life, with regard to nutrition, it is necessary that the population ingest the minimum amount of calories. This factor is taken into account when preparing the HDI (Human Development Index), as it is an important social indicator.

In Brazil, in relation to the nutrition of the Brazilian population, data from the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) reveal that the average consumption of food is within the minimum value recommended by international organizations such as the FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) and WHO (World Organization for Health), these bodies indicate that each person, in a balanced diet, should consume at least 2,500 calories daily, in this context the national average exceeds 3% of the numbers indicated.

But these data do not reflect regional realities, as in the case of the Northeast, the indices are well below the national figures. In addition to the Northeast, in all urban centers in the country, the low-income class consumes a small amount of proteins and vitamins.

When the minimum amount of food is not consumed, people become malnourished or malnourished, in which case it is the children who most suffer, generating several consequences, such as inadequate weight and height for the age group, mental retardation and the immune system weakened.

In this context, it is necessary to say that Brazil is among the countries with the highest incidence of social inequality and has only 3% more than the 2,500 calories needed. This means that the poor class needs greater access to food, to consume more levels. calories, unlike the restricted rich class that has a consumption well above the national average.

Differences in food consumption do not only occur in Brazil, even in countries with little social inequality there are disparities, in these countries the percentages set at 30% of 2,500 calories.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/brasil/idh-nutricao-populacao-brasileira.htm

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