Competence 3 of the Enem writing: what do you charge?

THE competence 3 of Enem is responsible for evaluating the ability to argue and defend the candidate's point of view. To reach the maximum grade in this competence, it is necessary to develop a text project that understands the thesis and properly selects the arguments necessary for its defense.

In addition to competency 3, Enem evaluates the candidate on four other criteria, and of these, competencies 2 and 4 have direct connections with competency 3. In other words, to ensure a good grade in competency 3, it is necessary to understand and know how to meet the expectations of competencies 2 and 4, respectively.

Read too:What are the five skills assessed in the writing of Enem?

Summary of competence 3 of the ENEM essay

  • Competence 3 assesses the ability to argue and defend a point of view in the dissertation-argumentative text.

  • To achieve the maximum score in competency 3, it is necessary to "present information, facts and opinions related to the proposed theme, in a consistent and organized way, configuring authorship, in defense of a point of view".

  • Text design is critical to a text with a well-founded and consistent thesis.

  • The writing of Enem is evaluated in five competences.

Video lesson on competence 3 of the ENEM essay

What is evaluated in competency 3 of the Enem writing

Competency 3 is the responsible for evaluating the construction of the text planning — the so-called text project — from the development of the arguments used in the redaction. Below, we present the reference matrix with the assessment at each of the levels.


Competence 3

Selecting, relating, organizing and interpreting information, facts, opinions and arguments in defense of a point of view


It presents information, facts and opinions unrelated to the topic and without defending a point of view.


It presents information, facts and opinions that are little related to the topic or are inconsistent and do not defend a point of view.


It presents information, facts and opinions related to the topic, but disorganized or contradictory and limited to the arguments of the motivating texts, in defense of a point of view.


It presents information, facts and opinions related to the topic, limited to the arguments of motivating texts and poorly organized, in defense of a point of view.


It presents information, facts and opinions related to the topic, in an organized manner, with evidence of authorship, in defense of a point of view.


It presents information, facts and opinions related to the proposed theme, in a consistent and organized way, configuring authorship, in defense of a point of view.

Thus, competency 3 identifies if your text:

  • adequately addresses the topic (connection with the competency 2);

  • properly connects the information presented (use of operators discursive — connection with competence 4);

  • has information, facts and opinions properly organized in the text.

To better clarify how competency 3 works, let's see the following essay, written by Lucas Felpi, grade 1000 in 2018 (topic: "Manipulation of user behavior by data control in Internet").

In George Orwell's 1984 book, a dystopian future is portrayed in which a totalitarian state controls and manipulates every form of historical and contemporary record in order to shape public opinion in favor of the rulers. In this sense, the narrative focuses on the trajectory of Winston, an employee of the contradictory Ministry of Truth who daily analyzes and alters news and media content to favor the Party's image and educate the population through such optics. Outside of fiction, it is a fact that the reality presented by Orwell can be related to the cybernetic world of the 21st century: gradually, the algorithms and systems of artificial intelligence corroborates the restriction of available information and the behavioral influence of the public, trapped in a large bubble sociocultural.

First, it is important to highlight that, due to new technologies, Internet users are increasingly exposed to a limited range of data and content on the internet, a consequence of the development of information filtering mechanisms based on daily use individual. According to the philosopher Zygmunt Bauman, there is currently a period of illusory freedom, since the globalized world is not only it enabled new forms of interaction with knowledge, but it also opened doors for the manipulation and alienation similar to those seen in “1984”. Thus, users are unconsciously analyzed by the systems and are presented with only the most attractive for personal consumption.

Therefore, there is a strong power of influence of these algorithms on the behavior of the cybernetic community: by observing only what interests and what was chosen for him, the individual tends to continue consuming the same things and close his eyes to the diversity of options available. In an episode of the television series Black Mirror, for example, an app paired people for relationships based in statistics and restricted the possibilities to only those the machine indicated — making the user passive in the choice. At the same time, this is the aim of the culture industry for Frankfurt School thinkers: to produce content from the standard of taste of the public, to direct it, make it homogeneous and, therefore, easily attainable.

Therefore, it is essential that the State takes measures to alleviate the current situation. To raise awareness of the Brazilian population about the problem, it is urgent that the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) create, through funds government, advertising campaigns on social networks that detail the operation of intelligent algorithms in these tools and warn the Internet users of the danger of alienation, suggesting that the interlocutor create the habit of seeking information from different sources and keep in mind the filter to which he is submitted. Only in this way will it be possible to combat the passivity of many of those who use the internet in the country and, in addition, burst the bubble that, from the just as the Ministry of Truth built in Winston in “1984”, new technologies are building in the citizens of the century XXI.

The wording above is a example of how to properly use "information, opinions and data related to the proposed topic in defense of a point of view". The author, first, uses as reference the literary work of George Orwell, more specifically the question of “manipulation of the truth”. With this information, the author manages to draw a parallel between the work and the arguments defended: data control in networks "supports the restriction of available information" and is capable of "influencing the behavior of the public".

In paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6, the author develops each of his arguments (1 - information restriction; 2 - influence the behavior of the public) with information, data and opinions, such as the thesis of Bauman, about the idea of ​​“illusory freedom”, and the episode of the series Black Mirror, with the idea of ​​pairing people up and getting closer to the Frankfurt School.

This entire process was only possible thanks to planning, that is, a text project done by the author that made it possible to make all this information work productively in the text.

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5 tips to get the maximum score in competency 3 of the ENEM essay

  • First tip: understand the structure of the essay-argumentative text

The first step to excel in competency 3 is to understand the whole that is essay-argumentative text. Understanding its structure, characteristics and limitations is critical to mastering the genre.

Thus, it is necessary to know that the essay-argumentative text discusses a topic of social relevance aimed at a universal reader. In this text, the author must defend a point of view in order to convince those who read it. In structural terms, he divided into introduction, development and conclusion.

In the introduction, it is necessary to present the theme and the thesis to be defended, bluntly. This initial information is necessary and should be taken up again throughout the text, avoiding the avoidance of the topic.

In development, the author needs to discuss his point of view, presenting the arguments together with data, information and other resources to reinforce his ideas. The use of authoritative arguments (coming from experts) is important to give credibility to your text.

Finally, in conclusion, it is a proposal that aims toand problem solving. The author needs to say who should act (population, government, media, etc), what should be done, how and why something should be done, and detail one of the elements to the reader.

A broad knowledge of the dissertation-argumentative text is essential for competency 3, as which analyzes production in a broad way, in addition to connecting directly with competences 2 and 4.

  • Second tip: Reading the essay proposal

A careful reading and understanding of the topic of the essay is essential. Although the adequacy to the topic is analyzed in competency 2, if there is an escape from the topic, you will be penalized in competency 3 and will not pass level 1.

Therefore, it is important to analyze the topic well and know how to distinguish between theme and subject. The 2017 theme, for example, was “Challenges for the educational training of the deaf in Brazil”. The theme is formed by the following keywords: challenge, educational training for the deaf and Brazil. If the dissertation text only addresses the challenge of the deaf without inserting it in the educational context, there was talk about a subject, the challenge of the deaf, and not the theme, the challenge of the deaf in education in the Brazil.

  • Third tip: thesis definition

THE thesis is the "soul" of the essay-argumentative text. A bad thesis will consequently produce bad arguments, and the final product will not be of good quality. Therefore, it is necessary to define a good thesis. But what is a thesis?

The thesis is nothing more than the Autor's point of view. Based on that, you should answer the following question: “What is my opinion on the topic?”. In practical terms, what is your opinion about the difficulties of the deaf population in the educational process? What is your opinion about data manipulation on networks?

Of course the first answers to the above questions may be a little vague or incomplete, but they already indicate the path to be followed in the organization of the text and, consequently, in a good project textual.

If we say, when answering the questions posed above, that "the lack of public policies inclusive" is a problem for the educational training of the deaf, we have the formulating principles of a point by sight. If it is also said that, regarding data manipulation, “the problem is the excess of power that companies have to do whatever they want with the users' data", we have the formulation of another point of View.

  • Fourth tip: select ideas to defend the point of view

Which ideas should be selected and related to the thesis that “the lack of inclusive public policies” is a problem for the educational training of deaf people? This question is important, as among all the information we have, not all fit the defense of this argument.

In the model essay we exhibited above, references to the Frankfurt School and Bauman's thesis on freedom would hardly fit into this discussion. So, selecting ideas or information means choose exactly the necessary elements that interact productively and functionally with O defended point of view.

  • Fifth tip: text project construction scheme

Before starting the text, é advisable build an outline with essential questions. Your answers should directly help in the construction of the text project and, later, in the essay-argumentative text itself.

Thus, the questions, arranged schematically, are:

a) What is the theme of the essay?

b) What is the thesis to be defended? (What is your point of view on the matter?)

c) What is the first argument in defense of your thesis? (Cause-cause, cause-consequence etc.)

d) What is the second argument in defense of your thesis? (Cause-cause, cause-consequence etc.)

e) What data, information and opinions can help to build the argument? (You can use movies, series, books, philosophers, statistics etc).

f) Intervention proposal (solution to the problem):

  • Who will act on the solution?

  • What will be done?

  • Why will it be done?

  • How will it be done?

  • How will it be done?

By obtaining all the above information, we have what we conventionally call a text project.

What are the 5 skills of writing Enem?

Although we talk specifically about competency 3, the And either it has another four that will evaluate the student. Below, see a summary with all the evaluative skills of writing Enem.

  • Competence 1 — Assesses the domain of formal writing in the Portuguese language, that is, spelling, accentuation, syllable separation, concordance, the use of crasis, conducting, parallelism and the use of pronouns.

  • Competence 2 — Evaluates two aspects: the adequacy to the theme and the use of sociocultural repertoire in the construction of the dissertation-argumentative text.

  • Competence 3 — As already mentioned, this competency assesses whether the text project is in a cohesive set.

  • Competence 4 — Analyzes the presence of cohesive elements, also known as the surface structure of the text (intra-paragraph and inter-paragraph connectives).

  • Competence 5 — It is responsible for evaluating the intervention proposal (solution) for the discussed problem.

By Rafael Camargo de Oliveira
writing teacher

Source: Brazil School -

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