Focus: characteristics, where they live, food

seals they are mammalyou that are part of the Phocidae family. This family is included in the suborder Pinnipedia, which includes animals adapted to terrestrial and aquatic life, such as sea lions, walruses and elephant seals. Seals have a paddle-shaped fin and a hydrodynamic body, essential characteristics for swimming. Those animals they are usually found in regions of cold water and have hairs and a thick layer of fat, which help maintain the temperature.

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Seal Summary

  • They are marine animals that are part of the Pinnipedia suborder and Phocidae family.

  • They are pinnipeds and, as well as the other organisms of this suborder, they are characterized by spending part of the time in the aquatic environment and part in solid substrate.

  • They have a rounded spindle-shaped body and a short, voluminous neck.

  • They are usually found in environments with Water cooler, like polar regions.

  • They are carnivorous animals.

the pinnipeds

Before we get to know more about seals, let's better understand the characteristics of representatives of the suborder Pinnipedia, which includes the seal family. Pinnipeds are mammals of the order Carnivora, and the term pinniped is derived from the Latin, pinna, which means "fins", and ask,which means “feet”.

Pinnipeds constitute a group of mammals that stand out for living part of the time in water and part in solid substrate, like ice or earth. Generally, these animals return to the solid environment to rest, mate and have their offspring. In the aquatic environment, pinnipeds usually feed.

Pinnipeds have hydrodynamic body, which is important for movement in the aquatic environment. Also, your body is covered with hair, and, on the muzzle, the so-called sensory vibrissae, the famous mustaches. These animals have a layer of fat that envelops your entire body, working as a thermal insulator. It is noteworthy that the hairs also act in the thermoregulation of these animals.

We can divide the pinnipeds into three families:Otariidae, Odobenidae and Phocidae. In the Otariidae family, fur seals and sea lions are included. In the Odobenidae family, in turn, walruses are included. Finally, we have the Phocidae family, which includes seals and elephant seals.

  • Video lesson on mammals

Seals are aquatic mammals that are characterized by having rounded spindle-shaped body and a short, voluminous neck. They have a body covered with hair, which is changed annually. Seals do not have external ears. Furthermore, males do not have external testicles, these organs being intra-abdominal.

To move around in the aquatic environment, seals use their hind fins, which cannot be projected forward. They serve as a way to direct the swim. Seals are excellent divers and can reach great depths and remain underwater for long periods. Common seals can dive to depths of 427 meters and stay up to 30 minutes underwater.

In the terrestrial environment, they are not very agile, moving through the arching of his body. Unlike other pinnipeds, seals do not use their front fins for support as they are quite short. The seal's anterior fins are covered in fur and have five toes with sharp nails.

Seals have been heavily hunted around the world due to the high commercial value of its fat and skin. Many populations were eliminated, hunting being one of the causes that led to the extinction of the Caribbean seal. The hunting of these animals is currently prohibited.

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Where do seals live?

Seals generally live in regions of cold water, like the waters of the Arctic and Antarctica. However, each species has a habitat specific, some being found in relatively warm regions. the species Neomonachus schauinslandi,popularly known as the hawaii monk seal, it is the last species in the seal world. tropical.

Seal feeding

Seals are carnivorous animals. Among the animals that are part of their diet, we can mention fishes, molluscs, krill, penguins and even other seal species.

Seal species

There are different species of seals. Next, we'll learn more about some of them.

  • crab seal

The crab seal feeds mainly on krill.
The crab seal feeds mainly on krill.

The crab seal(Wolfdon carcinophagus) is a species of seal found mainly on the ice and coast of Antarctica. After the summer molt, it has a brown coat on the back and a blonde on the underside and a series of darker patches on the lighter coat. Throughout the year, its coat changes to blond. It has a slender body and a long muzzle. In general, adult individuals weigh about 225 kg and measure approximately 2.60 meters. The female is slightly larger than the male.

The crab seal feeds mainly on krill. It stands out for having inordinately angular teeth, which present themselves as if they were a sieve. The species can live for about 20 years, and among its predators, the orca and the leopard seal. Due to the action of this last predator, it is common to observe the presence of scars on the sides of the crab seal's body. According to the IUCN, the crab seal is classified as "little concern".

  • leopard seal

Leopard seal lying with mouth open
The leopard seal has several spots on its body.

The leopard seal(Hydrurga leptonyx) is found along the coast of Antarctica, being the largest species in the region. Males can reach up to three meters in length and weigh around 300 kg, while females can reach 3.8 meters and weigh 500 kg. It has a darker colored coat on the back than on the belly and light and dark spots spread over the body. It has a large head, well-developed jaws, and its teeth are shaped like saws.

They are well known for feeding on baby crab seals, but they also feed on sea birds (such as penguins), fish, crustaceans and other seal species. The reproduction of this species is little known. They usually give birth to a single pup, which they nurse for approximately four weeks. The species is currently classified as "little concern" by the IUCN.

  • common seal

The common seal (Vitulin phoca), also known as the harbor seal, has a wide geographic distribution, occurring in coastal waters of the Northern Hemisphere, from temperate to polar regions. Males range from 1.6 m to 1.9 m in length and can weigh from 70 kg to 150 kg. Females, in turn, can be between 1.5 m and 1.7 m in length and weigh between 60 kg and 110 kg.

Common seal in its habitat
The common seal is also called the harbor seal.

They feed on a variety of prey, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs. They can live from 30 to 35 years and present as predators sharks and orcas. Mating occurs in aquatic environments and usually the female gives birth to a single offspring. Puppies are usually breastfed for four weeks with high-fat milk, which allows for rapid growth.

Currently, the common seal is classified by the IUCN as “of little concern".

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher 

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