How to Develop a Job

School work. This expression creates panic in the most intelligent of beings. But if you learn the correct way to produce a good work, you will find it very easy the next time the teacher asks for a more elaborate text.

The first step is to delimit the theme. For example, if the teacher asks for a paper on World War I, then you will have to address all aspects of that fact, from its origins to its aftermath. However, if he asks for a paper on strategic alliances from that period, then you should stick to the proposed topic. In these cases the “more” becomes less. Trying to dig too deep can be seen by your teacher as a way to “leap” on a subject you don't master.
Once the theme has been defined, it is time to look for different sources that express the different approaches and opinions of the authors. This will make a difference in your work, as it will prove that you did a lot of research before writing the text. When reading the books, make a summary with the main ideas of the text. At the end of the research, you will have all the material needed to write a text of your own authorship, that is, without copy.

A good text is an authentic text, with no reproductions, except those that are quoted in quotation marks in cases of very relevant speech. Spelling is essential, and with the popularization of the computer, few teachers accept spelling and grammatical errors in the works, as text editors make corrections automatically. To make sure your text is clear, have someone read it and ask if the ideas are concise and to the point.
The visual organization of a work is essential to give credibility to its content. Therefore, no drawings, figures and colors too much. If it's really important to highlight something, use “bold”. The cover must include the name of the school, the title of the work, the name of the student, the city and the date. The work can be bound (in the case of many sheets) or placed in folders with channels on the sides to be read like a book.
Inside, the work must be impeccable. The most common font is Times New Roman, size 12. This setting must be the same throughout the work, except for the cover. If the text has many pages, it is advisable to number them and produce a summary containing the subheads and the pages they are on. It is necessary to produce an introduction, explaining what the work is about and the themes that will be covered.
In the end, a conclusion should be written, explaining the new knowledge you gained while doing the work. The bibliography must come last and must contain all the material consulted by you, following the model below:
SOUZA, Marla Rodrigues. How to produce good work. 2nd edition. Goiânia: Editora Brasil Escola, 2008. 54 pages.
Websites must also be cited. With these tips, doing school work will be easy, easy. Write down the step-by-step instructions and surprise your teacher with excellent quality work!
By Marla Rodrigues
Brazil School Team

Study Tips - Brazil School

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