What is thesis?

Nowadays, the most demanded type of text in entrance exams and contests is the essay-argumentative. This is not new anymore. However, even though this is nothing new, many people find it difficult to understand the aspects. that constitute this type of text and, consequently, find it difficult to develop this production textual.

When producing a text, our main focus must be the social function it has, that is, we must try to understand the reasons that lead us to produce a certain type of text. In the case of argumentative texts, we must keep in mind that the main function is: critical positioning defense.

So, in a nutshell, when we build a dissertation-argumentative text, we are presenting the our opinion on a particular topic and developing ideas that can support our point of View.

You may have noticed that the words that appeared the most in the text so far were: opinion, point of view, positioning. And we have a very simple explanation for why this happened. Considering that the main social function of an argumentative text is the defense of our point of view, we can state that the essence of this type of text is our opinion, also known as


Thesis, as noted above, is what we commonly call an opinion, a point of view, a critical stance. It is the fundamental part for the existence of an argumentative text. Perhaps this might have sounded too extreme, but think with me: is an argumentative text a [good] argumentative text if it doesn't present a thesis?

The key to a good argumentative text is to elaborate well the thesis that will be defended
The key to a good argumentative text is to elaborate well the thesis that will be defended

Thesis, from the greek thesis, means intellectual proposition. By proposition, we understand what is sought to be achieved, objective, intention, purpose. Therefore, it is easy to say now that, if an argumentative text does not have a thesis, this text will not have its function. fulfilled, since the author will not present his intention, positioning in relation to what was presented for discussion. It's like a debate. If you don't have an opinion on a subject, you don't actively participate in it. Therefore, if you have not written a thesis, you will not satisfactorily produce an argumentative text.

See some examples oftheses:

  • Washington Luis, Juscelino Kubstchek and Fernando Collor, despite their temporal distance, share the characteristic of investing in the road transport model. From this perspective, the historical construction of the meaning of automobiles for Brazilians can be observed. In this light, there is a cultural valorization of highways, but this choice, in association with alcohol and other narcotics, causes a socially alarming problem: recklessness in traffic.

Writing Enem - 2013

  • Contemporary society overvalues ​​not only the consumption of alcoholic beverages, but also the status that the act of drinking brings. The relationship between entertainment and alcohol hinders the installation of a social order and harms those who do not participate in this cycle. Enter the State and its intrinsic power observed in the form of Prohibition. Is the obedience of the majority justified by fear of punishment or increased social awareness? Was the effect transient or lasting?

Writing Enem - 2013

  • Nicholas Negroponte, highlighted in the digital age, defends that the computer is one of the tools responsible for stimulating and guaranteeing the freedom of individuals. However, the formhow computer technology imposes itself seems to make people more restless, which generates one of the worst behavioral disorders: anxiety. Ensnared by this agony, man does not seem to be more and more free, but more and more a slave to this scenario.

by Mariana Pacheco
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-e-tese.htm

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