What is a semivowel?

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Note the highlighted syllables in the following words:

(1) dad

(2) pais

When performing the syllabic division of these words, we have:

(1) dad

(2) pa-is

Realize that while in "father" the i remains the same syllable that the The; in “country”, it separates, forming an independent syllable. But do you know why? It is due to the fact that, in (1), the i is semivowel and, in (2), it is a vowel. Thus, we can define that:

  • Vowels: they are the strongest vowel sounds that provide the basis for the syllable's existence. Analyzing the words below, we notice that the highlighted vowel has a greater sound in the syllable than the other phonemes that compose it:





  • Semivowels - The vowels i and u they are called semivowels when they accompany another vowel and, therefore, they are asyllabic. See how these glides sound less when accompanied by a vowel:



IMPORTANT! This classification refers to the phonemes /y/ and /w/ usually represented by the letters i and u, but they may appear with other orthographic representations in certain vowel clusters:

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/?y/ - vin

/ãw/ - hand

/w?y/ - someman

/wãw/ - rinsewhoa

By Mariana Rigonatto
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-e-semivogal.htm


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