Understand how MEI retirement by the INSS works

Many people are still in doubt whether the Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI) is entitled to retirement by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). Like any other worker, MEIs have labor rights and guaranteed retirement, although with some specific details of this condition. see more about how retirement works for MEIs and clear all your doubts.

Read more: Check the benefits that will be paid with interest and monetary correction by the INSS

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Understand what is needed for retirement for MEI

One of the most important requirements for a micro entrepreneur to have a guaranteed right to retirement is to pay the Simples Nacional Collection Document (DAS-MEI) monthly. This is because this fixed rate is part of the social security contribution.

The fee charged monthly corresponds to 5% of the minimum wage, that is, since in 2022 the amount is BRL 1,212.00, the MEI must pay BRL 60.60. In addition, for micro-entrepreneurs who work in the commercial and industrial areas, they need to pay R$ 1.00 more, since there is a Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services. For MEIs that offer Services, they need to pay R$ 5.00 more because of the Tax on Services.

How does retirement work for MEI?

As in other cases, the MEI is entitled to retirement due to disability or old age. Under the current law, the minimum age for women to retire is 62 years old, for men it is 65 years old. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the minimum contribution years required, which must be at least 180 months (15 years).

Learn how to pay the monthly fee

The monthly payment of the DAS-MEI fee takes place through the official virtual platform, the Entrepreneur Portal. Thus, when accessing the website, the micro-entrepreneur must click on “Já sou MEI” and proceed to “Payment of Monthly Contribution and Installments”. At the end, a ticket will be generated on the page with the fee payment amount.

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