What is gap?

Note the syllabic separation of the following words:

exit = exit

caatinga = ca-a-tin-ga

country = country

It is possible to see that all these words have a vowel cluster:




But do you know why this encounter separates at the moment of syllabic division? This happens because we are facing an encounter between two vowels, that is, a vowel encounter known as gap. Unlike other vowel encounters that take place between vowels and semivowels, this one concerns the union of two vowels themselves. Let's review the concept of a semivowel:

→ Semivowels

are the vowels i and u (oral or nasal) when, together with a vowel, they form a syllable.





Thus, when they do not form the same syllable, the meeting between the vowels will result in a gap at the time of syllabic separation. See the comparison between the following words:

  • country = the meeting "there” belongs to only one syllable (parents), characterizing a diphthong composed of a vowel and a semivowel;

  • country =

    the date "there” belongs to different syllables (country), characterizing a gap composed of vowel + vowel.

See some more examples of gap:

sauof health

the wand thein the ocean

çooperar - co-per-ar

Bau - chest

çohson - rabbit

çyome - hoo-me

forwas goingda - joke

Thus, as it is a phonetic and phonological aspect, the identification of the gap is processed by the observation of the pronunciation of the word, as well as the classification of the vowels that make up this meeting vowel.

By Mariana Rigonatto
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-e-hiato.htm

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