Principle of Le Chatelier

Le Chatelier's principle: when a force is applied to a system in equilibrium, it tends to readjust itself in order to reduce the effects of that force.
Changes in acidity and basicity act as external forces on chemical balances. The system then needs to move to mitigate the effects of this force. Let's look at an example of a factor that can change the balance of a system, concentration.
2 CrO2-4(aq) + 2 H+(here) ↔ CrO2-7(here)+ H2O (1)
If we add a few drops of lemon (acid solution) in this balance, it will move to the right or to the left and favor the formation of one of the products.
This is because through this action we increase the amount of H+ ions in one of the members of the equation. If this occurs in the reactants on the left, the balance shifts to the right to balance itself.
The reaction can be reversed if we add a basic NaOH solution to the system. The presence of OH- ions consumes the H+ ions and the balance shifts to the left.
Conclusion: When the ion concentration (CrO2-7) prevails, the balance shifts to the left. If the ion concentration (CrO

2-4) prevail, the balance shifts to the right.

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry

Source: Brazil School -

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