São Luís: general data, flag, map, history

St. Louis is a Brazilian municipality of Northeast region of the country, part of the metropolitan region of Greater São Luís. It is located in the island region known as Ilha São Luís, bordered by the bays of São Marcos and São José. It has more than 1 million inhabitants and is densely populated, with 1,215.69 inhabitants/km². It is the political and administrative center of Maranhão, in addition to representing its largest economy. The tertiary sector is what adds the most to the city's GDP, with its port services and tourism. Its urban landscape is marked by Portuguese influence, becoming a cultural heritage.

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  • São Luís is the capital of the state of Maranhão, in the Northeast Region of Brazil.

  • It was founded by the French at the beginning of the 17th century.

  • The subsequent Portuguese domain left its marks on the city's architectural ensemble and on its floor plan.

  • It is located on Upaon-Açu Island or São Luís Island, with a humid tropical climate and gently undulating relief.

  • It is the most populous city in Maranhão and 15th in Brazil, with 1,108,975 inhabitants.

  • São Luís' GDP is R$33.7 billion. The largest share is derived from the tertiary sector, with great emphasis on port services and tourist activities.

  • It houses important port terminals in the Northeast Region: the Port of Itaqui and Ponta da Madeira.

  • Among its cultural traditions, the creole drum, reggae and celebrations such as the Fthese Juninas it's the Carnival.

  • Its historic center was recognized as a cultural heritage in 1997.

General data for São Luís

  • Gentile: São Luísense or Ludovicense.

  • Location of São Luís

    • Parents: Brazil.

    • Federative unit: Maranhão.

    • Intermediate region[1]: St. Louis.

    • Immediate region[1]: St. Louis.

    • Metropolitan region: Greater São Luís Metropolitan Region (RMGSL). Made up of 13 municipalities: São Luís, Alcântara, Bacabeira, Icatu, Paço do Lumiar, Raposa, Rosário, Santa Rita, São José de Ribamar, Axixá, Cachoeira Grande, Morros, Presidente Juscelino.

    • Bordering municipalities: Saint Joseph of Ribamar.

  • Geography of São Luís

    • Total area: 583.063 km² (IBGE, 2020).

    • Total population: 1,108,975 inhabitants (IBGE, 2020).

    • Density: 1,215.69 inhab./km² (IBGE, 2010).

    • Climate: tropical wet.

    • Altitude: 24 meters.

    • Time zone: GMT -3 hours.

  • History of São Luís

    • Foundation: September 8, 1612.

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Geography of São Luís

São Luís is a Brazilian city located on the northeast coast of the country, on the island known as Ilha Grande or Ilha São Luís. It belongs to the state of Maranhão and plays the role of state capital, as it houses the seat of government and concentrates its administrative functions.

It integrates the Metropolitan Region of Greater São Luís, comprising a total of 13 municipalities. Located in an insular region, the city is bordered by São Marcos Bay and São José Bay, respectively to the northwest and southeast. It also borders the municipalities of Alcântara and São José de Ribamar, the latter with a land border to the east of the Ludovician territory.

View of the bandstand, on Avenida Beira Mar, in São Luís, Maranhão.
São Luís is a coastal municipality in northeastern Brazil. [1]
  • São Luís climate

Located on the northeast coast of Brazil and, therefore, under the influence of low latitude and maritimacy, in São Luís there is the occurrence of humid tropical climate. Temperatures are high for most of the year, with averages ranging from 23°C, in the milder months, to 31°C, in the hottest months. The average relative humidity of the air is 65%, reaching 80% in the period of rains, which runs from December to June.

  • Relief of São Luís

The city of São Luís is located on the Island of Upaon-Açu, known as Ilha Grande or São Luís. It integrates the domain of plains and coastal lowlands, according to the classification proposed by Aziz Ab’Sáber. It has a relief marked by terrains that vary between flat and gently undulating, where the altitude does not exceed 63 meters.

  • Vegetation of São Luís

THE vegetation cover of São Luís belongs to the so-called THEAmazon Maranhão, as this biome extends through the northwest and part of the northeast of the state. It also makes up the coastal-marine system in Brazil. The stretch of coast known as reentrances from Maranhão, due to the cut of the coastline, is mainly composed of mangroves and dune vegetation. The capital is also covered by stretches of rainforest (primary and secondary).

  • São Luís hydrography

Located on an insular region, São Luís is between the bays of São Marcos, Arraial and São José Ribamar, with exit to the Atlantic Ocean. Its territory is well drained and is home to several springs, including the Anil, Bacanga, Maracanã, Paciência and Tibiri rivers.

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São Luís map

Map clipping highlighting the location of São Luís
Location of the city of São Luís, capital of Maranhão, on the northeast coast of Brazil.

Demographics of São Luís

The city of São Luís is the most populous in the state of Maranhão and currently has 1,108,975 inhabitants, which corresponds to 15.5% of the state's residents. It is the 13th Brazilian capital in population and the 15th largest city in Brazil. In addition, São Luís represents the largest share of residents in its metropolitan region, which has 1.64 million inhabitants.

THE Maranhão capital is densely populated, with a distribution of 1,215.69 inhab./km², according to data from the last census carried out by the IBGE. The survey also shows that the vast majority of São Luís inhabitants, around 94%, live in its urban area.

Just over 56% of the residents of the capital of Maranhão declare themselves to be brown. Approximately one third is white, while blacks make up 13.2% of the population. The yellow population is about 1% and a portion of 0.18% is indigenous. When taking into account the age group, although there is a good distribution, it is possible to observe a larger number between the ages of 20 to 24 and 25 to 29 years.

O Human Development Index (HDI) São Luís is 0.768, the highest in Maranhão.

Geographical division of São Luís

The city of São Luís is composed of approximately 210 neighborhoods, according to 2010 data. These include those larger neighborhoods that are sometimes subdivided into smaller administrative units, being named accordingly (I, II, III, and so on).

Economy of São Luís

São Luís represents one of the main economic centers of Maranhão and also from the Northeast Region. O Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the municipality is R$ 33.7 billion, fourth highest on a regional scale and 24th when considering all Brazilian municipalities. Together with the other municipalities that make up Greater São Luís, they account for almost 40% of the GDP of Maranhão |1|.

O tertiary sector is the most representative in the Ludovician economy, a sector that encompasses all activities related to public administration and defense, trade, services and also those linked to tourism. This sector has shown great growth in Brazil and also in the capital of Maranhão, which offers numerous attractions, such as its beaches and historic monuments that recount part of the history of the capital and the parents.

Also in the tertiary, the services performed at the ports are of enormous importance for the economy of São Luís and also for the economic dynamism of the Northeast and other productive regions of Brazil, especially the states that produce grains and other commodities agricultural. The Ponta da Madeira terminal and the Port of Itaqui stand out.

Industry, a sector that has among its main representatives the manufacturing industry, represents approximately 23.9% of São Luís GDP. The Industrial District of the capital of Maranhão concentrates a good part of these activities. Farming accounts for less than 1% of the city's economy. Among the main products derived from the sector are coconut, cassava, beans, rice, banana and passion fruit, as well as quail eggs, bee honey and milk.

Government of São Luís

São Luís has a government that is of the representative democratic type. Those who will occupy management positions in the city are elected periodically, every four years, through popular elections. O Mayor is the head of the municipal Executive Power. The Legislative Chamber, representing the Legislative Power, is composed of 31 councilors.

Furthermore, as the capital of Maranhão, São Luís houses the seat of government, thus becoming the state's political center. Administrative activities are carried out, for the most part, in the Palácio dos Leões building, in the historic center of the city.

Front of the Palácio dos Leões, seat of the government of Maranhão.
Palácio dos Leões, seat of the government of Maranhão. [2]

São Luís Infrastructure

São Luís is one of the main cities in Maranhão and concentrates a large portion of its population, whose homes are mostly in the urban area. A small part of these units do not have access to urban sewage, while 76.3% were supplied with water through the municipal system. In addition, urban waste collection covered approximately 89% of households. The electricity network served a portion of 99.8% of private homes in the city.

Urban displacements rely on the city's bus network and also on ferries, a waterway modal that promotes transport between cities and neighboring regions, such as in the case of Alcântara.

THE capital of Maranhão has extensive connection with other municipalities and Brazilian states through federal highways such as BR-135 and BR-316. The city is also served by the Carajás Railroad, which connects Goiás and Tocantins to the state of Maranhão and is responsible for cargo transportation. The Port of Itaqui, as we have seen, is one of the main shipping ports for goods, especially grain, in the Northeast Region. Air connections are made through airports, including Marechal Cunha Machado International Airport, the most important in Maranhão.

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Culture of São Luís

São Luís has a extremely rich culture, inherited from diverse cultural matrices. These come from the peoples that made up its population, such as the French, Portuguese, Africans and indigenous peoples.

Many of the influences can be found in its urban landscape, reflected in the forms and historic buildings. the worked Portuguese tiles are mostly seen in the oldest area of ​​the city.. It is the Historic Center of São Luís, which was recognized by Unesco as World Cultural Heritage in 1997 due to its architectural and, of course, historical importance.

Old building facade with windows, doors and tiles from the Brazilian colonial period, in São Luís, Maranhão
Portuguese tiles form the landscape of the historic center of São Luís. [3]

Some of the traditional celebrations held in the capital of Maranhão are the Festas Juninas, Carnaval, Festa da Juçara and many others. Among the typical dances, we cannot fail to mention the boom my ox and the cacuria.

The cultural manifestations extend to several other areas, such as music, with emphasis on the Creole drum and the reggae, style of which São Luís is considered the Brazilian capital, featuring a Reggae Museum. Casa do Tambor de Crioula is another important cultural center in Maranhão, promoting one of the main dances of African origin in the state.

History of São Luís

With a view to expanding their domain over the lands located on the American continent, the French were responsible for founding the city of São Luís, on September 8, 1612, signed by Daniel de La Touche and Fraçois de Rasilly. The name of the new settlement was given in honor of King Louis XIII. The Portuguese quickly regained their control over that area, which was again the target of foreign invasions, this time by the Dutchmen, in the mid-17th century.

THE expulsion of the Dutch in the year 1645 it consolidated the establishment of the Portuguese on the island of São Luís, initiating the process of occupation and urban development in its main city. At the time, it could already be said that São Luís was one of the most important economic centers in the Northeast region of the country, focused on textile production and the cultivation of sugarcane and cotton. The latter became an export commodity, a process that gained strength with the secession war in the United States, in the mid-nineteenth century, until then the largest exporter, and the need for countries to seek new supplier markets.

After the end of the conflict and the resumption of American status, the Ludovician economy retreated. Its recovery came from the advance of logistical activities from the 20th century, through the construction of the port terminals and, later, the Carajás Railroad, which took place in the 1980.

The Portuguese influence is seen today through both the city plan and its buildings that form the Historic Center of São Luís.


|1| With studies and mapping, the Government directs programs to the Greater São Luís Metropolitan Region. Government of Maranhão – Secretariat of State for Cities of Maranhão (SECID), May 27, 2019. Available on here. Accessed on June 24 2021.

Image credits

[1] Luis War / Shutterstock.com

[2] Stefano Ember / Shutterstock.com

[3] Cacio Murilo / Shutterstock.com

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