Why write?

We write to express ourselves better!

What is the meaning of writing? Why write? Often, when leaning over a school table, in writing class, the student often thinks about the same topic!
And you are constantly asking yourself: why do I have to write this?
The basic principle and motive of writing is the expression: of a thought, feelings, knowledge, reflection, etc.
We say it is the verbal exposition of what we could have said! There are things that need to be written and not spoken!
Writing, then, is like an escape from what is within us! Therefore, for most it is a satisfaction to have it as something natural to man, intrinsic.
However, there are those who find it difficult to write, whatever it may be! They lack the enjoyment of reading, they feel imprisoned by the white sheet! Writing is an experiment, the more you write, the more you want to write! Also, the more you read, the more you want to expose what you learned, what you think about what you read!
But if you still haven't found reasons to write, let's look at some!

We write when we're sad, to let off steam, if only to stay on that piece of paper; we write when we are happy and we need to share how we feel about that victory won; we write to tell a secret, even if it's just for the diary; we write to say we are in love; we write to say we love someone; we write because we miss them; we wrote because a friend went to live in another state or another country; we write to congratulate a birth and to congratulate a birthday boy; we write to leave a memory for someone; we write to comfort a friend; we write to encourage a brother; we write to feel closer to the family and, finally, we write because we want to pass a competition, whether it's university entrance exams, whether for a public agency or a private company!
Writing, therefore, is an act of conquest too! Through writing, we acquire desired objects, which makes the act of writing an important part of achieving our dreams!
So, did you find meaning in writing? Read and write, because those who have these two habits are more listened to, are more appreciated and more experienced and, therefore, come out ahead!

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

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the written text - How to weave a text.

Redaction - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/por-que-escrever.htm

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