3 important information to start your business

Nova Educa is an educational consultancy that will bring tips so that young people can, from an early age, learn to innovate and become an entrepreneur, discovering countless possibilities for building a future promising.

We spoke several times in Open a company, working on your dream, planning your business, but what about the accounting side? Every company needs to register, have a CNPJ (National Register of Legal Entities), and the main one, issue an Invoice, as without this you will not be able to generate business with other companies. This is an important detail that needs to be discussed further in order to contribute to the legality of all Brazilian companies. Thus, we evaluate suggestions that can provide a great solution for you who dream of having your own business.

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1. Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI)

This is a solution for you who want to start a business or are already self-employed and earn up to R$81 thousand per year. It is a new concept of company that allows the self-employed professional, or those who carry out their work on their own on the streets or at home, obtain the formalization of their business free of charge and without bureaucracy. Registration is completely done over the internet, free of charge. However, before starting to fill out the form, it is necessary to check if your activity fits into the occupations that can act as MEI. In total, the

country already has more than 11.2 million active registrations in the modality.

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2. Microenterprise (ME)

It is a type of small business whose annual turnover and number of employees must be limited to a certain amount in order to be included in the category. The gross income of an ME can be up to R$360 thousand per year, and the formalization of a business is based on a social contract that needs to be registered with the Commercial Registry. In addition, the entrepreneur can choose between the Simples Nacional, Real Profit or Presumed Profit schemes.

In view of the legislation, the enterprises of this size have different treatment, in addition to having certain advantages from a fiscal or tax point of view. In that case, it's important to talk to an accountant or an online accounting service to understand the business opening and documentation process.

Access too: 5 actions to start your business

3. How to choose MEI or ME?

The main difference is the question of billing — R$81 thousand for MEI and R$360 thousand for ME. For this reason, if you are starting a business that will not have large revenues at the beginning, it is necessary to prospect customers and structuring the product, it is worth starting as MEI and then, if you exceed the maximum revenue, migrate to ME. It is important to study a little more about the subject, and on the internet you can find many tips and information. Here are some more clarifications:

  • Formalization: it is simple in the case of MEI (online and without bureaucracy) and more complex in the case of ME (needs social contract).
  • Employees: MEI can only have one employee hired who receives the minimum wage or the minimum wage for the category; ME may have a team of employees.
  • accounting management: for the MEI it is simple, since, although the entrepreneur must record entries and exits on a monthly basis, it is not necessary to have a book with the company's accounting. The ME must comply with all accounting obligations of a normal company.
  • Activities: to be MEI, you must perform one of the activities that fall into the category.
  • Contribution: MEI pays a fixed monthly amount according to the activity (R$50.90, R$54.90 or R$55.90); ME pays an amount based on revenue.

By New Educa

Nova Educa is an educational consultancy focused on developing projects in schools involving Apple Technology, with the implementation of iPads and teacher training. In addition, it also carries out the podcast Nova Educa Debate, with interviews about the educational market and BNCC about entrepreneurship and innovation content. We will have several consultants collaborating with this column, which will be led by the innovation director, Carlos Coelho, Education enthusiast with experience in a multinational, at Singularity University (California), as a teacher and manager school; and we will have Priscila Coelho, operations director, specialist in educational technology training, creativity and innovation.

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