LinkedIn offers more than 16 thousand courses for professional training

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LinkedIn provided more than 16 thousand courses for professional training. Most of the content is focused on the Technology area. Classes are about programming and management. They use tools like Excel, Microsoft Teams, Python languages, JavaScript etc.

Read too: Unicamp offers over 300 free lesson plans for schools

According to the data released, the search for technological knowledge increased by more than 300%. This occurred in the context of the current pandemic, with social distancing as a trigger. The increase in remote work mode is another influencing factor.

The program called LinkedIn Learning recorded this 300% increase in interest in the topic in 2020. Today, it is considered a center for learning programs.

Discover some of the courses offered by LinkedIn Learning

Programming Fundamentals

This course provides basic subsidies for the student to learn to program in any language. JavaScript is used to explore and deepen the learning relationship.

In the course, the student will create small programs. It will explore conditions, loops, variables and expressions. In addition, it will work with various types of data and their impact on memory. Will write code in order to build applications and software.

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Discover Python

Python is an object-oriented programming language. It is one of the most popular and usual ones today.

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It is characterized by being highly readable, powerful and relatively easy to learn.

Discover CSS

The course covers common CSS concepts, such as the box model, as well as working with fonts and colors.

The student will learn how to structure a web page with CSS. In addition to understanding how to work with responsiveness, among other concepts.

Javascript: Basic Training

JavaScript is one of the most used languages ​​in the connected world. Once seen as optional, JavaScript is now almost inherent in the web.

Through practical examples and mini-projects, the student will build their understanding of JavaScript, step by step. The course covers everything from basic principles to advanced topics, including looping, closures, and DOM scripting.

Fundamentals of Data Science

The course will cover subjects such as programming, statistics, mathematics and machine learning. In addition, you will also work with data analysis and visualization. Finally, of course, the student will study Big Data.

At the end of classes, the student must have the ability to understand the role of Data Science. Focusing its concept on obtaining expressive knowledge from the complex tangles of data around us.

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