New high school MP is published in the Official Gazette

The Provisional Measure for the New High School was published this Friday afternoon, September 23, in an extra edition of the Diário Oficial da União. The publication was not expected for today, as earlier the Press Office of the Civil House had informed that it would happen on Monday or Tuesday of next week.

See the MP for the New High School

MP No. 746, of September 22, 2016, changes some points of Law 9,394, of December 20, 1996, called Law guidelines and bases of national education (LDB). Among the changes are the gradual increase in the workload (full-time school), curricular flexibility, organization of secondary education in credits or modules, use of credits for higher education and the possibility for the teacher to teach in a subject other than their own course. formation.


The minimum annual workload for secondary education will be gradually increased from 800 to 1,400 hours. This means that schools are expected to be open full-time, with seven hours of classes a day Monday through Friday.

The Federal Government instituted the Policy to Promote the Implementation of Full-Time High Schools, which provides for the transfer of R$ 1.5 billion over two years to implement full-time schools in the states and the District Federal. The expectation is to enroll 500,000 young people full-time by 2018.

New format

The new high school will be divided into two parts. In the first, from the 1st year to the middle of the 2nd year, schools will teach the contents that will be defined in the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC). In the second part, students will have to choose one of the five available areas: Languages, Mathematics, Human Sciences, Natural Sciences and Technical and Professional Training.

The content of the BNCC will be defined by mid-2017 by the National Council of Education, after hearing the National Council of Education Secretaries (Consed) and the National Union of Education Directors (Undime). All 13 subjects of the old model will be able to enter the BNCC (arts, physical education, Portuguese, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History, Philosophy, Sociology, Spanish and 2nd Language foreign).

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The MP defines that the teaching of the specific area must be combined with Portuguese, Maths and English classes. These three subjects will be the only ones required throughout high school.

Exclusion of subjects

The biggest controversy of the new high school is about the possible exclusion of the subjects of Arts, Physical Education, Philosophy and Sociology. The MP changes the text of the LDB articles that determined the teaching of these three subjects throughout high school.

In the text of the MP, the obligatory nature of the subjects of Arts and Physical Education are restricted to kindergarten and elementary school. On the other hand, item IV of article 36 of the LDB, which spoke about the teaching of Philosophy and Sociology, was replaced by the optional teaching of Human Sciences.

Last night, the secretary of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education (MEC), Rossieli Soares, stated that "the end of any content and any discipline is not decreed". According to the secretary, all subjects will be covered by the Common National Base.


Another controversial point of the MP is in relation to the end of mandatory technical or higher degree in pedagogical area or similar for teachers. Now, schools are allowed to hire teachers who are not trained in the subject they will teach. For example, an engineer might teach math.


The new high school format allows it to be organized in modules and for schools to adopt the credit system or subjects with specific terminality, in order to encourage the continuation of the studies. These credits may be used to take courses in higher education.

Is it already on?

The MP takes effect from its signature and will start to be applied, probably, in 2018. However, to become Law, the MP needs to be analyzed by a special congressional commission and then approved by the Chamber and the Senate. This needs to happen within 120 days for the MP not to expire.

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