Column Functions. Importance of our column

People often do not value the spine, also called spinal column, for not knowing its importance.
Our spine has 33 vertebrae that alternate with intervertebral discs and give mobility to the trunk, allowing for the most diverse positions. Each vertebra is attached to a rib, forming a “protective grid” against mechanical shock that protects the heart and lungs. In addition, the spine protects the spinal cord and spinal nerves, supports the entire weight of the body, and plays an essential role in the movement of our arms and legs and in our locomotion.
Our spine has curves of a physiological nature. They are: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and pelvic. When the person has any increase or deviation in any of these curvatures, a doctor should be sought. specialized that, through examinations, will detect what type of deviation the person has in their column. All ailments related to back pain are treated.
All of us must take some precautions so that back pain, also known as back pain, does not occur. Carrying weight, lack of physical exercise, inappropriate postures, very high heels, mattresses and pillows bad are some of the causes of back pain, and physical exercise is a great option for anyone who suffers from this bad. Swimming, weight training, stretching and pilates are activities that help relieve pain and keep the back muscles strong.

By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

Source: Brazil School -

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