VACATION! State offers recess with up to three meals for children

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The Municipal Secretary of Education of São Paulo confirmed the release of the program “Recreio nas Férias”. Free of charge, children and teenagers will have access to three meals a day, between breakfast, lunch and dinner, in addition to having planned activities. The program started this week and is expected to end only in January 27th.

Meals and activities involving art, sport and leisure are planned. Children will have access to storytelling, games, some workshops, games in general, admission to museums, cultural representations, historical buildings and clubs in São Paulo. There is still time to participate!

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‘Vacation Recreation’ in São Paulo

The event has been taking place since the 9th and will end in the last week of January. According to information, this is the 41st edition of the event and this time it has the theme “Playing and peace is what we do”. The objective of the event is to promote an inclusive education and an integral tool for these children.

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The Secretariat informed that it is expected that 17,000 children and adolescents, from 4 to 14 years of age, will be reached by “Recreio nas Férias”. The capital of São Paulo informed that anyone who is within the allowed age can participate in the vacation. That is, any child who is in the capital of São Paulo can participate, as it is not a prerequisite to be a student of the municipal network.

The event will be promoted in Education Centers and Indigenous Culture (CECIs), Unified Educational Centers (CEUs) in the capital itself, at the Municipal School Bernardo O’Higgins and at the institutions Jardim Jaraguá I and Jardim Jaraguá II. Registration to participate can still be done in person at these institutions.

To enroll the children, those responsible need to present themselves at the poles with the participant's birth certificate, proof of residence and photo ID of the responsible person.

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