The evolution of computers followed the evolution of society during the 20th and 21st centuries. However, the history of the computer did not start only in modernity.
Remember that computers are electronic devices that automatically receive, store and produce information.
They are part of our daily lives, with a growing number of computers used in the world.
Computer History
The word “computer” comes from the verb “to compute”, which in turn means “to calculate”. Thus, we can think that the creation of computers begins in the ancient age, as the relationship of counting already intrigued men.
Thus, one of the first computing machines was the “abacus”, a mechanical instrument of Chinese origin created in the 5th century BC. Ç.
Thus, it is considered the “first computer”, a kind of calculator that performed algebraic operations.
In the 17th century, the Scottish mathematician John Napier was one of those responsible for the invention of the "slide rule". It is the first analog counting instrument capable of performing logarithmic calculations. This invention was considered the mother of modern calculators.
Around 1640, the French mathematician Pascal invented the first automatic calculating machine. This machine was perfected in the following decades until reaching the concept we know today.
The first pocket calculator capable of performing the four main mathematical calculations was created by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
This German mathematician developed the first modern binary numbering system that became known as the "Leibniz's Wheel".
The first programmable mechanical machine was introduced by the French mathematician Joseph-Marie Jacquard. It was a type of loom capable of controlling the fabrication of fabrics using punched cards.
George Boole (1815-1864) was one of the founders of mathematical logic. This new area of mathematics has become a powerful tool in the design and study of electronic circuits and computer architecture.
As early as the 19th century, the English mathematician Charles Babbage created an analytical machine that, roughly speaking, is compared to today's computer with memory and programs.
Through this invention, some scholars consider him the “Father of Informatics”.
Thus, computing machines were increasingly including the variety of mathematical calculations (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, square root, logarithms, etc.).
Nowadays it is possible to find very complex computing machines.
Evolution of Computers
The computer, as we know it today, went through several transformations and was improved over time, following the advances in the areas of mathematics, engineering, electronics. That's why there isn't just one inventor.
According to the systems and tools used, the history of computing is divided into four periods.
First Generation (1951-1959)
First-generation computers worked through electronic circuits and tubes. They were restricted in use, in addition to being huge and consuming a lot of energy.
An example is ENIAC (ElectronicNumericalIntegratorandcomputer) which consumed about 200 kilowatts and had 19,000 valves.
Second Generation (1959-1965)
Still with very large dimensions, the second generation computers worked through transistors, which replaced the tubes that were bigger and slower. During this period, commercial use began to spread.
Third Generation (1965-1975)
Third-generation computers worked on integrated circuits. These replaced the transistors and already had a smaller dimension and greater processing capacity.
It was during this period that chips were created and the use of personal computers began.
Fourth Generation (1975-up to the present day)
With the development of information technology, computers decrease in size, increase speed and data processing capacity. Microprocessors that use less and less energy are included.
During this period, more precisely from the 90's, there was a great expansion of personal computers.
In addition, integrated software emerged and from the turn of the millennium onwards, handheld computers began to appear. That is, smartphones, iPod, iPad and tablets, which include mobile connection with web browsing.
According to the classification above, we belong to the fourth generation of computers, which has revealed an incredible evolution in information systems.
Note that computers evolved more slowly. With the development of society we can see the evolution of these machines in days or months.
Some scholars prefer to add the "Fifth Generation of Computers" with the appearance of supercomputers, used by large corporations like NASA.
In this generation, it is possible to assess the evolution of multimedia technology, robotics and the internet.
Read too:
- history of Internet
- Hardware and software
- networks social
- bill Gates
Digital inclusion
Digital inclusion is a concept that determines access to contemporary digital media and tools, such as the internet.
Thus, it aims at the democratization of technology based on the possibility of producing and diffusing knowledge to all citizens.
Did you know?
Information Technology Day is celebrated on August 15, the date that marks the emergence of the first electronic digital computer, the ENIAC.