Email Label

In the society in which we live, everything related to speed, practicality and convenience is what we most value, as time has become scarce and face-to-face relationships have diminished. To better manage people's time, means of communication between individuals come into play, such as telephone, fax, e-mail, instant messaging, among others. In this way, the service is optimized, allowing time for other activities.

E-mail today is one of the most used forms of interpersonal communication in our society, it was created to send brief and simple messages. Therefore, before sending a message by e-mail, you should evaluate the following situations: if the subject is too long, serious and/or sensitive, a face-to-face dialogue should be preferred. What should and what should not be presented in an electronic message (email):
• As brief and simple as the e-mail should be, it is important that it has a greeting and signature at the beginning and end of the message.

• When the message is longer, there is a need for you to “break” it into several parts so that the text looks better and less cluttered.

• You can use abbreviations, but always using common sense, especially if the message is addressed to someone with whom you don't have much affinity.
• Avoid using emoticons, especially when the email is related to the professional field.

• Whenever necessary, use Attachements (attached files), making the email more comprehensive and less extensive.

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• Never send e-mails with erotic themes and images, cute or something like that, in the professional environment, if you do, communicate what it is about in the field subject, saving the recipient to open messages with inappropriate content in their work or even family environment, causing embarrassment to the same.

• Avoid passing messages indiscriminately with jokes, religious chains, virus warnings, etc. This type of message is inconvenient and causes a clutter of the recipient's mailbox.

• Periodically clean your trash box, and delete messages that will no longer be used.

• When sending an email with a copy, the information contained must go to the top in the hierarchy with a copy for others. However, select the most important ones from the company hierarchy and add them alphabetically in the recipient field, the others follow in the “with copy” field, also in alphabetical order.

• Invitations can be sent via email, but only in the case of an informal meeting and/or business meeting, eg home meeting and/or book launch. Remembering that they must be sent in advance, allowing time for the person to receive and organize to attend the event. When the email is sent at the last minute, it demonstrates that the person is disorganized and inconsiderate of the recipient.
Follow the tips above and maintain a good relationship via email.

by Eliene Percília

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PERCILIA, Eliene. "Email Label"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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