Emails can create stress for employees

A survey by Scottish scholars reveals that more than a third of workers suffer from stress due to the number of emails they receive during working hours.

The study was carried out with 200 people, of which only 38% said they did not feel anything with the amount of emails received on the service. But most people surveyed said they felt some kind of pressure in relation to emails, either because of the amount, either by the time they have to respond or by the frequency they should check their box. emails.

This usually occurs in large companies, which use the service to communicate with customers and suppliers. This is due to the fact that e-mail is one of the fastest means of written communication for certain tasks. Some of these employees feel tired or frustrated with this task that is most often daily, many say that this occupation comes to harm their production.

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Some psychologists specializing in the internet suggest that the best way to escape this stress is the employee: relax, think that that amount of e-mail is not so large, check the email inbox less frequently, separate emails by priority, thus establishing what should be answered faster, between others.

In addition, it is essential that the company is aware of the employee's load, delegate the emails to an adequate number of employees so as not to overload only one, etc. These are attitudes that will make the employee not get stressed with the service, producing more and consequently increasing the quality of the service developed by him.

by Eliene Percília
Brazil School Team

Computing - Brazil School

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PERCILIA, Eliene. "Emails can create stress for employees"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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