Rats are the Preferred Guinea Pigs in Laboratories

The use of animals as guinea pigs is old, dates back to the 19th century, when scientists at the time sought to solve human health problems.

The first animal experiment was done in 1982 when DNA from a mouse was introduced into a mouse.

Have you ever wondered why rats are the preferred and most used guinea pigs in laboratories?

The rat is chosen for the various experiments for several factors, one of them is for its physiology, which is very similar to the physiology of humans.
Furthermore, the gestation period of the rats is only 21 days, very short, which makes the results of the experiments can be checked quickly.

Females give three to six litters per year, which makes them extremely advantageous when the scientist's desire is to test the effect of drugs on the offspring of those who will consume them.

Today, advances in genetics and molecular biology allow researchers to manufacture their guinea pigs according to their study needs.

Experiment with mice with tumors

Curiosities - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/curiosidades/cobaias-de-laboratorio.htm

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