INEP opens registration for Encceja 2022

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Entries for the Encceja 2022 are open. Those who did not finish their studies at the correct age will be able to try the University Degree through National Examination for Certification of Youth and Adult Skills. O INE will apply, in August this year, the tests in all Brazilian states.

Who can participate in Encceja?

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The Encceja is intended for youth and adults who did not complete elementary or high school at the right age. To participate, it is enough that the person is over 15 years old to take the test for fundamental level or over 18 for middle level.

Those who are approved may request their certificate of completion these levels of education. Those who have already been approved in just one of the charged areas will also be able to apply for those that are still missing.

How to enroll in Encceja

In order to register, the interested party must register in the system.

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. The period for registration is from May 24 to June 4, 2022, on the Encceja website or via the website.

Those who missed the last edition will not need to justify themselves, it will only be necessary to register again.

Those who have been approved before in just a few subjects they will be able to choose only those that are still missing for their approval. The candidate must also choose where he wants to take the test.

Encceja exams

The complete exam will 4 tests in 30 questions each one more essay. Those who have already been approved in any of them will only need to do the others.

For those who need to complete the foundation level:

  • Exam 1: 30 questions of Natural Sciences;
  • Exam 2: 30 Mathematics questions;
  • Test 3: 30 questions of Portuguese with writing, English, Spanish, Arts and Physical Education;
  • Test 4: 30 questions on History, Geography, Philosophy and Sociology.

For those who wish to complete the medium level, the test will have:

  • Test 1: 30 questions on Natural Sciences and its Technologies – Chemistry, Physics and Biology;
  • Test 2: 30 questions on Mathematics and its Technologies;
  • Test 3: 30 questions of Portuguese with writing, English, Spanish, Arts and Physical Education;
  • Test 4: 30 questions on Human Sciences and their Technologies – History, Geography, Philosophy and Sociology.

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