100 Palindromes of Words, Phrases and Names

Palindrome, from the Greek palin (new) and dromo (path) is every word or phrase that can be read backwards and that, regardless of direction, retains its meaning.

Also called anacyclics, they should be read considering only the letters. This means that accents are not considered and, in the case of sentences, punctuation and space between words should not be considered either.

Try it with the phrase “Help me, I got on the bus in Morocco”.

Magic square, also known as sator square.
The “magic square”, also known as the “sator square”, is the best known perfect palindrome. It can be read in multiple directions.

Examples of Palindromes


  1. eagerness
  2. ayah
  3. aibophobia
  4. Allah
  5. love
  6. a-N-A
  7. aniline
  8. ok
  9. macaw
  10. wing
  11. he
  12. that
  13. breastfeed
  14. kill
  15. put in
  16. Little
  17. hollow
  18. very silent
  19. bone
  20. egg
  21. radar
  22. dawn
  23. grate
  24. shave
  25. scrape
  26. rule
  27. reread
  28. to retain
  29. to review
  30. revive
  31. to laugh
  32. bags
  33. skirts
  34. rooms
  35. punches
  36. blows
  37. SOS


  1. The base of the roof collapses.
  2. The burst face of the jararaca.
  3. Acuda bitch of Leda lapses.
  4. The lady admired her beloved's kidney.
  5. Does Daniela love the law? Nothing!
  6. Postpone the departure date.
  7. The diva in Algiers makes my life happy.
  8. The dowry drug is all fat.
  9. The fat one loves the drug.
  10. The grass is bitter.
  11. Then Lima said: “Hello, family!”.
  12. Help Edu, now!
  13. The magnifying glass jumps.
  14. Mom loves you.
  15. The suitcase swims in the mud.
  16. Love the poem.
  17. The miss is terrible!
  18. I love Oman. If Rome loves me, I love Oman!
  19. They wrote down the date of the marathon.
  20. Goofy loves to slap.
  21. After the soup.
  22. Rare macaw.
  23. To Rita, satire!
  24. Rita, about grandpa, verses shoot.
  25. Laura Street.
  26. So the aia went to mass.
  27. Stupid act.
  28. The tower of defeat.
  29. And even the poet Pope is.
  30. Irene laughs.
  31. Nice tie for bocal ass.
  32. Here I go in my oval self.
  33. Luza Rocelina, Manuel's girlfriend, read in Romance fashion: "indigo is the color blue".
  34. Blue light.
  35. Mega nonsense.
  36. See me if the girl's pot is made of steel, Madalena Paes, and come.
  37. Mass is like that.
  38. The Swedish sky.
  39. The rooster loves the lake.
  40. Hi cock!
  41. Hello! Passion fruit, cashew, caramel.
  42. The wolf loves the cake.
  43. The Roman accepts loves to ladies he loves and Rome attacks courtship.
  44. Your duet.
  45. Great, it's just me who omit them.
  46. Oto eats mocotó.
  47. The crooked trot.
  48. Laugh, the short verb to laugh.
  49. Rome is love.
  50. Rome loves me.
  51. The uncle and eight Marias left.
  52. Dry with anger, I put caviar and sweets in my lap.
  53. Help me, I got on the bus in Morocco.
  54. Zé de Lima, Rua Laura, one thousand and ten.


  1. Ada
  2. A-N-A
  3. Hanah
  4. maram
  5. Nahan
  6. natan
  7. oto
  8. reinier
  9. Renner


  • Do you know which is the biggest palindrome in the Portuguese language? Most omissive (from omissive, negligent), an 11-letter word that means “missing to the extreme” or “very negligent”.
  • Aibophobia is a palindrome. Do you know what it means? It's the fear of palindromes.
  • In addition to words and phrases there are also palindromic numbers. An example is 02/20/2002.

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