Portuguese language (6)

The Business Letter or Technical Correspondence is a type of document widely used in the commercial and business field. They are letters sent by postal services, posted by legal entities...

Gerund is the nominal form of the verb that indicates continuity. Thus, it shows the development of an ongoing or lasting action. Examples: I'm taking the cake you...

The Plural of Compound Nouns is made through two situations. One of them concerns the way it is written. If the compound noun is written without a hyphen, just add the...

Digraph is the meeting of two letters that represent a single phoneme. Also called a digram, there are two types of digraphs: consonant digraph and vowel digraph. Remember if! Digraph comes from...

The indeterminate subject is the kind of subject that cannot be identified in the sentence. This happens when we cannot perceive, by the context or by the verb that accompanies it, who practiced the...

The compound period is formed by more than one prayer and can be classified into Period composed by Coordination and Period composed by Subordination. There are as many prayers as the...

Personification, also called prosopopeia or animism, is a figure of speech, more precisely, a figure of thought widely used in literary texts. She is directly...

Consonant cluster is the sequence of consonants without the presence of any vowel between them. Examples: atlas, tire, adjective. Consonant clusters can be separable, when they occur in...

The use of the comma is not as simple as it sounds, but not so complicated that it is not learned after knowing its rules and tricks. Doubts arise daily about this sign...

Intertextuality is a resource used between texts that establishes a dialogue between them, whether of the same nature or not (for example, the intertextuality between a written text and a text...

The present tense future is a tense used to talk about things that occur after the moment of speech. It is also used to express order and yet,...

What is a review? Review is a textual genre that consists of the description of a text or a film, in which the writer can express their opinion. Reviews are read by people who...

When writing, we don't always remember good connections to close the conclusion of an essay with a golden key. With that in mind, Toda Matéria has 12 connectives for you with examples of...

Figures of Words (or tropes) are resources used to produce greater expressiveness in communication. It is part of the Figures of Language, which in addition to the figures of words, consider...

Parallelism is the correspondence of grammatical and semantic functions existing in clauses. In addition to improving text comprehension, respecting parallelism makes reading more...

Figures of Thought are part of one of the groups of figures of speech, alongside figures of words, figures of syntax and figures of sound. Used to produce bigger...

Hiato is the meeting of two vowels in a word, each belonging to a different syllable, for example: health (sa-ú-de), coin (mo-e-da), exit (sa-í-da), rabbit ( Bunny). This means...

Regressive derivation is a type of derivation that occurs through the suppression of the primitive word, generating a derivative. Example: He is a very nice Portuguese. (Portuguese = Portuguese) The...

The accessory terms of the clause are the vocative, the apposed, the adverbial adjunct and the adjunct adjunct, which are not essential, however, they help to add information. In...

The ellipses, represented by the sequence of three dots (...), is a graphic sign that mainly signals an interruption in the speech. This punctuation mark can be used in...

The future of the past tense is a tense conjugated in the indicative way. Your training can be simple and composed. It expresses uncertainty, surprise and indignation, being used to refer to...

The colon (: ) represents a graphic sign that is part of the punctuation marks. In the production of texts, they mark a brief pause in the speech. They are usually used before a...

The terms “below”, written together, and “below”, written separately, are two words that have the same sound but different spellings. Furthermore, they are used in situations...

Linguistic variations are the result of constant changes in language, which involve geographic, social, professional and situational factors. Check out questions about variations below...

Verbal Predication is the way to link the subject to the predicate of the sentence or to the subject's predicative. With regard to predication, verbs can be intransitive, transitive or from...

Metonymy is a figure of speech in which one term is used in place of another. One of the most common metonyms is when we use a part of a thing to refer to it in a way...

Both reading and writing are social practices of paramount importance for the development of human cognition. Both provide the development of intellect and imagination, in addition to...

Verbal transitivity indicates the relationship between transitive verbs and their complements. This is because, by itself, the transitive verb has no full meaning, which means that it has to...

Objective and subjective description is how the details and characteristics of something or someone are presented. While the objective description is done impartially, that is, in the...

Narration or narrative text is the account given by someone of something, of a sequence of events. This succession of events is called a plot, and considers a period of time and...

To make a good editorial it is necessary to follow some steps, such as choosing the topic and also understanding the basic structure of these types of journalistic texts. Remember that an editorial is...

The more-than-perfect tense of the indicative is a tense used to indicate a past action that occurred before another, also in the past. It is usually used in situations...

The “under” and the “about” are two essential prepositions that cause a lot of confusion when writing a text. This is because they are paronyms, as they are very similar...

Possessive pronouns are those that indicate the possession of something. They vary in gender and number, depending on the people who own something and the number of things they own. Examples of sentences with...

"Under" and "from below" are two terms used in different situations. The big confusion when writing is because these words have the same sound. So, check out the main ones here...

The essay is an opinionated text in which ideas, criticisms, reflections and personal impressions are exposed, carrying out an assessment on a certain topic. The essay problematizes some questions about...

The Subordination Compound Period is one whose clauses syntactically depend on each other to make sense. It's the opposite of what happens with the period composed of...

The paradox, or oxymoron, is a figure of speech, more precisely a figure of thought, based on contradiction. Often times, the paradox can have an absurd expression and...

The adjective is a word that modifies a noun, giving it a quality or classification, and it can vary in gender, number and degree. Check out a series of activities about...

Plot, also called intrigue, plot or argument, is the element that gives continuity to a story. This is because it is around him that all the events of a...

Assonance is a type of figure of speech, called a figure of sound or harmony. It is characterized by the harmonic repetition of vowel sounds (vowels) in a sentence. It's a resource...

The demonstrative pronouns indicate the position (spatial, temporal and in the speech itself) in relation to the persons in the speech. They can be variable or invariant. They are the...

The Verb Haver (in the sense of existing, happening or occurring, as well as in the indications of time) is impersonal. Thus, as there is no subject, it is only conjugated in the 3rd person of the...

Metrification is the form used in Poetics to measure verses (meter), therefore, it is the study of this measure. It is done by scanning - which consists of counting sounds and...

Proclisis is the placement of the pronoun before the verb. There are two other types of position: Mesoclisis (pronoun in the middle of the verb) and Enclisis (pronoun after the verb). Examples: Don't tell me that...

Among the spellings "bemvindo", "bemvindo", "Bemvindo" and "Benvindo", only two exist in Portuguese: bemvindo and Benvindo. "Welcome" is a word used to welcome...

The full stop (. ), or simply dot, is a graphic sign that, as its name indicates, is used at the end of declarative or imperative sentences (affirmative or negative), marking a...

The Passive Particle is the way to use the pronoun “if” with the verb in the passive voice, that is, receiving the action instead of performing it. It must exist through the following...

The words behind and trailing are homophones, which means they have the same sound but different spellings. That's why these stressed monosyllables cause a lot of confusion when...

Verbs in Portuguese are classified as regular, irregular, defective or abundant. Classification is conditioned to verbal inflection and not to meaning. Verb is the class...

Meaning of Efficiency and Effectiveness (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Efficiency and effectiveness are similar words and are often considered synonymous. However, ther...

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Meaning of SIC (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Sic is a Latin adverb which in Portuguese means “thus”, “thus", “thus” “exactly this way" and "an...

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Meaning of Forever (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

have a view is an expression that means taking into account, just see.Some synonyms of this expre...

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