Meaning of Inclusion (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Inclusion is the add and add, that is, adding things or people in groups and nuclei that were not part of it before.

Socially, inclusion represents a act of equality between different individuals that inhabit a certain society. Thus, this action allows everyone to have the right to integrate and participate in the various dimensions of their environment, without suffering any type of discrimination and prejudice.

Some of the main synonyms for inclusion are: introduction; placing; incorporation; insertion; integration; involvement; framework; scope; embracing; and closing.

Social inclusion

It is formed by a set of actions, many of them covered by laws, which guarantee the equal participation of all members of a society.

Social inclusion provides for integration of all individuals, regardless of physical condition, education, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, among other aspects.

Learn more about Social inclusion.

School inclusion

It consists of the idea that all citizens must have the right to access the education system.

, without segregation and discrimination, whether because of gender, religion, ethnicity, social class, physical and psychological conditions, etc.

Learn more about School inclusion.

Digital inclusion

It represents the equal availability for all citizens of the opportunity to have access to information and communication technologies (ICT).

In short, digital inclusion consists of democratization of technology, where, regardless of social class, ethnicity, religion and economic power, the individual can enjoy the advantages of technological tools.

know more about Digital inclusion.

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