Meaning of Concise (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Concise is an adjective that qualifies something that is reduced to the essential, which is succinct and precise, that is, it manages to transmit its content simply and quickly.

When someone or something is said to be concise it means that it is concise, the ability to express the entirety of the message you want to convey, but using few words.

Concise can also refer to everything that is brief, fast or agile, using a few elements to convey a content or concept, even if it is not expressed in words.

Example: "The architect's work was concise".

Synonyms for concise

  • Abbreviated;
  • Necessary;
  • succinct;
  • Summed up;
  • Reduced;
  • Brief;
  • Fair;
  • Short.

On the other hand, the main concise antonyms they are: diffuse, profuse, verbose, verbose, redundant, excessive, vast, prolonged, eloquent, and pleonastic.

long and concise

Both terms are antonyms. While concise, as seen, consists of something that is abbreviated, summarized and succinct, the word long-winded refers to what is extensive and Late.

When someone is said to be wordy, it means that they speak or write at length, using words excessively to convey their message.

Learn more about long-winded meaning.

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