27 math riddles with answer

Math riddles help a lot in the development of logical reasoning. Try to solve the pranks, riddles and math questions we have prepared and check the explanation of all the answers at the end.

Riddle 1

Walking in the late afternoon, a lady counted 20 houses on a street to her right. On her return, she counted 20 houses to her left. How many houses did she see in total?

You saw 20 houses in total, because her right on the way is your left on the way back, that is, on both itineraries, she saw and counted the same houses, and not different houses.

riddle 2

What does the mathematician's son say when he wants to go to the bathroom?


riddle 3

A woman is going to have a baby. If he is a boy, only one son will be needed for the number of boys to equal the number of daughters. However, if the baby is a girl, the number of the woman's daughters will be double the number of boys. How many children does she have and what is their gender?

The woman has 8 children - 3 boys and 5 girls.

So, if you have 1 more boy, there will only be 1 more to have the same number of sons and daughters, in a total of 10.
If you have 1 more girl, there will be 6 daughters in total, which is double the 3 children she already has.

riddle 4

There is a duck between two ducks, a duck behind a duck and a duck in front of another duck. How many ducks are we talking about?

3 ducks.

riddle 5

In my garden there are 3 plants of lettuce, 1 of cucumber and 5 of carrots. How many feet do I have in total?

I, like most people, have 2 feet.

riddle 6

In the taxi I got in there were 8 passengers. Shortly thereafter, 3 people got out and two entered. How many people are there in the taxi?

There are 9 people in the taxi: 8 passengers (including me) and 1 driver.
When I got into the taxi, the taxi was left with 10 people. With the output of 3, there were 7, but 2 entered, that is, there were 9.

riddle 7

My grandfather has 5 children, each child has 3 children. How many cousins ​​do I have?

I have 12 cousins ​​(4.3 = 12), because one of my grandfather's children is my father, who has 3 children (me and my 2 brothers).

riddle 8

A small truck can carry 50 sandbags or 400 bricks. If 32 sandbags were placed in the truck, how many bricks could it still carry?

144 bricks, because:
1 bag of sand = 8 bricks (400 bricks / 50 bags = 8)
If the truck carried 32 bags of sand, it still has room for 18 bags, but instead of bags, it wants to carry bricks, that is 18. 8 = 144.

riddle 9

There are 7 birds on a tree branch. A boy shoots one of them, how many birds are left on the branch?

None, because the other six fled in fright.

riddle 10

When I was 8 years old, my sister was half my age. Now that I am 55 years old, how old is my sister?

My sister is 51, because when I was 8 years old, she was half, that is, 4 years old, we are 4 years apart.

riddle 11

On Tuesday afternoon, João had the brilliant idea of ​​going hunting. On Thursday, he hunted 2 rabbits and in the basket, took them home, preparing and eating the rabbits with friends the next day. What day of the week did John eat the rabbits with his friends?

On Wednesday, the day after he went hunting (Tuesday).
The farm to which the small text refers is a place in the field, while the basket does not respect the day of the week (Friday), but rather the object used to keep the rabbits he hunted.

Riddle 12

In which alternative are there three eights, three zeros?

a) 88830
b) 3830
c) 888000
d) 383,000

Alternative a) 88830.

Saying "three eights" is the same as 888. It is different from saying “three eight”, which is the same as 38. Note that the word “eight” is plural in the first option, and singular in the second.

Likewise, saying “three zeros” is the same as 30. It's different from saying “three zeros”, which is the same as 000.

riddle 13

Maria bought a vase of flowers for 20 reais and sold it for 25 reais. Sorry about the sale, she bought the same vase for 35 reais, but soon decided to sell it for 40 reais. In the end, how much did she make?

10 Reais.

A simple way to understand how much Maria earned from the transactions is to add her expenses on the one hand and her earnings on the other hand and subtract them.

Thus, Maria spent 20 reais and then another 35, which adds up to 55 reais. In turn, Maria first received 25 reais and then another 40, totaling 65 reais. 65 - 55 = 10 reais.

riddle 14

Ana had 5 daughters.
The first is called Monday,
The second is called Tuesday,
The third is called the Fourth,
The fourth is called Thursday,
What is the name of the farm.

If you answered that the fifth daughter's name is Sixth, you are wrong.
It seems very logical, but the fifth daughter is called Qual, as it is written in the last sentence, in which this statement is mentioned. Note that the last sentence is not a question.

riddle 15

If Alice has entered 5 times, how many times has she exited?

entered 1, came out 1, entered 2, came out 2, entered 3, came out 3, entered 4, came out 4, entered 5.

If Alice didn't have to leave the last time she entered, she left 4 times. However, if in the place where she entered, she had to leave, the number of entries and exits is the same, ie 5.

riddle 16

What is the sequence number 3, 13, 30, 31, 32... ?

33. The sequence is related to the numbers that start with the letter “t”: tthree, tpray, tlaugh, tthirty one, tthirty two, tthirty three, tthirty-four, and so on.

riddle 17

The grandmother divided 20 candies between the two granddaughters. What time is it?

a) 10:02
b) 1:50 pm
c) 20:02
d) 8:02
e) 12:50

Alternative b) 13:50.

If the grandmother divided 20 candies between the two granddaughters, each granddaughter received 10 candies, that is, ten for both of them (13:50).

riddle 18

0 space plus space 7 space equal to 7 1 space plus space 8 space equal to space 16 2 space plus space 9 space equal to space 27 5 space plus space 17 space equal to space ?

This riddle allows two answers: 49 or 102.

O result 49 is obtained when you add the result of the top row to the count of the bottom row:

0 space plus space 7 space equals space 7 7 space plus space 1 space plus space 8 space equals space 16 16 space more space 2 space more space 9 space equals space 27 27 space more space 5 space more space 17 space equals space 49

O result 102 is obtained as follows:

0 space plus space 7 space equals space 7 space space less greater than space left parenthesis 0.7 right parenthesis space plus space 7 space equals space 7 1 space more space 8 space equals space 16 space less greater than space left parenthesis 1.8 right parenthesis space plus space 8 space equals space 16 2 space plus space 9 space equals space 27 space less greater than space left parenthesis 2.9 right parenthesis space plus space 9 space equals space 27 5 space plus space 17 space equal to space? space less greater than space left parenthesis 5.17 right parenthesis space plus space 17 space equals space 102

Riddle 19

What is it that everyone has 2, you have 1 and I don't have any?

The letter "o" of the words.

riddle 20

Four friends got together. Carlos is half the age of Matheus plus 2 years. Henrique is 8 years old. Matheus is Henry's age plus half his age. Paulo is half Carlos' age plus half Henry's age. Which friend is the oldest?

Henrique is 8 years old.
Matheus is Henry's age, 8, plus half his age, which is 4. Therefore, 8 + 4 = 12 years.
Carlos has half of 12, which is 6, plus 2. We have that 6 + 2 = 8. Carlos is 8 years old.
Paulo is half the age of Carlos, who is 4, plus half the age of Henrique, who is also 4. Soon Paul is 8.
Therefore, Matheus is the oldest at 12 years old. All the other friends are 8 years old each.

riddle 21

What did the Mathematics book say for the Portuguese book?

Stop telling me stories that I'm already in trouble.

riddle 22

A house has four corners, each corner has a cat, each cat sees three cats. How many cats are there in the house?

Four cats, one in each corner.

riddle 23

What the shorter it is, the faster it is?

The time.

riddle 24

Discover the value of symbols.

# + # + # = 30

$ + # + $ = 20

$ + # + % = 30

# = 10
$ = 5
% = 15

Riddle 25

In an aquarium lived seven fish. Two drowned. How many were left?

Seven, because fish don't drown.

riddle 26

Find the @ sequence in the third column.

#... #... ###
...#... #

&... &&&... &&&&&&
&... &... &&&&&
&... &&... &

@... @@ ...
@... @@ ...

Answer: 8@

From one column to the next on the right, there is a multiplication by 2.

To #
From the first to the second column, # x 2 = ##. Second to third, ## x 2 = ####.

To &
From the first to the second column, 3& x 2 = 6&. From second to third, 6& x 2 = 12&.

To @
From the first to the second column, 2@ x 2 = 4@. From second to third, 4@ x 2 = 8@.

riddle 27

Which 7-letter word that, if we take 5, becomes 11?

Pineapple. If we take abaca, there is XI, which in Roman numerals is 11.

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