Personal Infinitive and Impersonal Infinitive

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Infinity is, like the gerund and the participle, a nominal form of the verb. The infinitive is systematized in personal infinity (inflected) or impersonal infinitive (not inflected) and its use is based especially on linguistic tendencies rather than rules.

Personal infinitive

The personal infinitive, in short, refers to a person (subject) and thus varies in number and person.


  • The way is me to do what the mother asked for.
  • It's very important in stretch when we wake up.

Let's see in which situations it can happen:

1) When referring to a subject expressed in prayer.


  • If no enter, we won't know what's in there.
  • If you do not receive the invitation, it is better not to go to the party.

2) When referring to a subject not expressed in the sentence and which is known from the verbal inflection.


  • maybe it's better we write the articles. (-mos is the ending personal number indicating the 1st person plural)
  • Per go doesn't mean I go too. (-em is the ending personal number indicating the 3rd person plural)
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3) When the subject is indeterminate.


  • I heard say who is a good person.
  • leave the things lying around there won't even help.

4) When you want to emphasize prayer.


  • That was the life of both: the help the people, the make available your time and your stuff, the take care of others.
  • THE play on the street until dinnertime, that was the holiday.

impersonal infinitive

The impersonal infinitive, in turn, does not refer to any person (subject); it is generic or vague.


  • Love é to live!
  • The way is to obey.

Let's see in which situations it can happen:

1) When not referring to a subject.


  • It's essential to walk.
  • The main thing is accept the differences.

2) When it comes after the preposition "of", serving as a nominal complement.


  • There is no easier recipe to to do.
  • it's so hard to to understand ...

3) When they are part of a verbal phrase.


  • They should return coming soon.
  • I aim cooperate in everything you can.

4) When words order.


  • March!
  • I told the children: Immediately, stop!

Also read the articles:

  • Gerund
  • Participle
  • Nominal Forms

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