Meaning of Connotation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Connotation is the meaning given to a word or expression from its context. It is figurative language, a style of speaking or writing that is explored poetically as well as informally.

Learn more about the meaning of figurative language.

When one says, for example, that "Pedro is on all fours for Paula", it is understood that Pedro is in love with Paula, and not literally positioned as a four-legged animal, as the denotative sense would mean. That is, the connotative of "being on all fours" is being in love.

Connotative language is used to extend the meaning of a word or expression. Connoting is also giving new meanings, which leave the formal language and allow for more understanding of the language. Many slang and memes use the connotation.

Between the synonyms for connotation we have the words sense, signification, symbolic, allegorical, concept, implication. And also the expressions figurative sense and abstract sense.

When the connotation of a word has a negative meaning it is said to have

pejorative connotation, that is, that its meaning depreciates what or what it is about. As with any word in the connotative sense, the pejorative connotation will depend on the context. For example, the word "girlfriend" in the literal sense is short for girlfriend and can be understood in a delicate and sweet way. On the other hand, its connotation in an argument can have a negative sense, of disdain towards "that little girlfriend of yours".

THE positive connotation it occurs when the meaning of the word is pleasant or favorable, it arouses good feelings about it depending on the context used. The same word can have a positive connotation for a group of people, and be negative or neutral for others.

The call political connotation it occurs when a certain attitude of someone or a group is understood from possible political uses, as if there were electoral advantages or governmental interests in the action. In other words, it had a political and strategic meaning.

Connotation and Denotation

The difference from the connotation to the denotation is the meaning of the word. The connotation has the figurative meaning, it is what is meant from a context. While the denotation is the literal sense, that which is in the dictionary.
A trick used to remember the difference between the two is using the first letter of words and their meaning:

Çnonotation is the Çcontext
Dnotation is what's in the Ddictionary

Connotation and Denotation Example

Connotation: "She had a cold look."
The cold here means that the look is cold, a seriousness without feelings.

Denotation: "It was very cold in the room."
The cold here is in the literal sense of icy weather.

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