Meaning of Theoretical Framework (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Theoretical framework is a summary of discussions carried out by other authors and authors on a given subject. It serves as a foundation and articulation with the theme developed in scientific and academic works.

The theoretical framework is also known as Theoretical foundation, Literature review, Literature revision or State of art. In general, there is a specific chapter of the work in which this theoretical framework is presented.

To make a theoretical reference, it is necessary to consult the bibliographic references consistent with the area of ​​study to be worked on and verify the research carried out by other people on the subject chosen.

In other words, the investigator must make it clear that, in order to achieve their results, this theoretical approach was supported. For this, it is important that there is an internal consistency between the references and the way the investigation was carried out.

In the theoretical framework, the most important concepts, justifications and characteristics on the subject discussed from the point of view of the analysis made by other authors are presented.

It is also important to write about the research results that were previously obtained, indicating the respective responsible for the analysis through direct or indirect citations.

Remembering that all references to external authors must follow the standard established by Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT.

Learn more about ABNT.

The theoretical framework serves to provide answers to ontological (who is the researcher) and epistemological (the knowledge acquired throughout the studies) questions. It must join the methodological framework that supports the options on data collection and analysis methods applied to research.

One of the main objectives of the theoretical framework for a research project is create an argumentative support plan on the topic to be addressed, serving as a comparison to the results obtained.

Inexperienced researchers will be able to obtain the necessary sources for the theoretical framework of their work based on indications from specialist professors in certain areas of research. Books, articles, theses and other materials can serve as a source for the construction of the theoretical framework.

See also:meaning of CBT and how to make the methodology for the TCC.

bibliographic reference

It consists of a list of all books, articles, newspapers, electronic documents and other materials used as a source of reference for the preparation of scientific work.

The bibliographic reference must be presented in alphabetical order, indicating the author or author, name of the book or title of the article, place, edition and pages that were consulted.

ABNT also defines the correct norms for the production and presentation of the bibliographic reference, which is usually called “bibliography”.

know more about Bibliography and foundation.

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