Test your knowledge of the skeletal system with the 12 questions Next. Also check the comments after the feedback to answer your questions about the topic.
question 1
Bones are organs of the human body responsible for several functions, EXCEPT:
a) Body support
b) Protection of internal organs
c) Support for carrying out the movements
d) Vitamin reserve
Correct alternative: d) Vitamin reserve.
Bones act to support and move the body, in addition to protecting some organs, such as the brain and lungs.
They also act as a reserve of mineral salts, such as calcium, phosphorus, and potassium, which are released into the body as needed.
question 2
Bone is made up of different tissues, such as blood, cartilage, adipose, nervous tissue and, in greater quantity, by bone tissue, the main constituent of the human skeleton.
Check the alternative that shows typical bone tissue cells.
a) microglia, dendritic cell and Schwann cell.
b) osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts.
c) red blood cells, leukocytes and thrombocytes.
d) Fibroblast, myoblast and sarcolemma.
Correct alternative: b) osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts.
Microglia, dendritic cell and Schwann cell are cells of nervous tissue.
Red blood cells, leukocytes and thrombocytes are blood tissue cells.
Fibroblast, myoblast and sarcolemma are structures that are part of muscle tissue.
Nervous tissue cells and their respective functions are:
Osteoblasts: participate in the synthesis of organic components
Osteocytes: act in the secretion of substances
Osteoclasts: allow the resorption and remodeling of bone tissue
See too: bone tissue
question 3
The skeletal system is made up of the skeleton, with bones and cartilage, plus ligaments and tendons.
The human skeleton is the bone structure basically divided into axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton. About it, all statements are correct, EXCEPT
a) Protect vital organs such as the brain and heart.
b) Helps in the body's acid-base balance.
c) Joint action with muscles and joints allows locomotion.
d) The axial skeleton has 126 bones, while the appendicular skeleton consists of 80 bones.
Correct alternative: d) The axial skeleton has 126 bones, while the appendicular skeleton consists of 80 bones.
The heart and brain vital organs are protected by the bones of the axial skeleton.
Bones support the muscles and together with joints and tendons movement is produced.
Bones participate in the body's acid-base regulation to prevent pH changes by absorbing alkaline salts.
The axial skeleton is the central part of the body formed by the skull, facial bones, rib cage and spine, totaling 80 bones.
The appendicular skeleton constitutes the upper limbs, lower limbs, shoulder girdle and pelvic girdle, totaling 126 bones.
See too: Skeletal System
question 4
The body of an adult is made up of 206 bones, which can be classified according to shape into 6 main types: long, short, flat, irregular, sesamoid and suture.
The femur is a bone that has as its main characteristic its strength and the fact that it is a bone
a) irregular
b) sesamoid
c) long
d) plan
Correct alternative: c) long.
The femur is the longest, largest and most resistant bone in the human body. It is capable of withstanding up to a pressure of 1230 kg per square centimeter.
A long bone is one that has a length greater than its width and thickness. In the case of the femur, it extends from the hip to the thigh.
Other long bones in the human body are: the upper limbs are the humerus, radius and ulna and the lower limbs have the femur, tibia and fibula.
See too: Bone Classification
question 5
The following image shows a part of the anatomy of a long bone, where two layers are highlighted: compact bone and cancellous bone.

Analyze the following propositions and classify them as True (T) or False (F).
I. Compact bone is located in peripheral regions with visible cavities.
II. The cancellous bone is the least dense layer and has no communicating cavities.
III. The compact bone provides strength, protection and support as it is the most rigid part.
IV. Compact bone and medullary canal are occupied by bone marrow.
The correct sequence is:
a) V; V; V; V.
b) F; V; V; V.
c) F; F; V; F.
d) F; F; F; F.
Correct alternative: c) F; F; V; F.
Macroscopically, the bone can be classified as compact and spongy.
Compact bone is located in peripheral regions without visible cavities, providing strength, protection and support as it is the most rigid part of long, irregular and flat bones.
The cancellous bone is the least dense layer with many communicating cavities. Its cavities, like the medullary canal, are occupied by bone marrow.
See too: Bones of the Human Body
question 6
Bone is a living, dynamic structure capable of regenerating when fractured. This regeneration capacity is related to
a) The presence of bone marrow inside the bone
b) The irregular arrangement of collagen fibers
c) The many communicating cavities inside
d) Cellular activities in bone tissue
Correct alternative: d) Cellular activities in bone tissue.
Osteoclasts are bone tissue cells capable of removing the small pieces of bone that are in the region of the fracture. Osteocytes are cells capable of transforming into osteoblasts, which are the cells that form bone tissue in the fractured region.
See too: Human skeleton
question 7
The locomotor system corresponds to the integration of the skeletal system with the muscular system. The joint action of bones, joints, muscles and cartilages produce movements and the muscles participate in the process.
a) regulation of tissue pressure and production of contractile proteins
b) contraction and relaxation
c) nerve stimulation and energy supply
d) blood flow and body heating
Correct alternative: b) contraction and relaxation.
Muscles are tissues with the ability to contract and relax upon reception of stimuli.
Contraction is able to pull the bones in which the muscles are connected and thus generate movement. In this process, while one muscle contracts, another relaxes into muscle antagonism.
See too: Locomotor System and Muscle System
question 8
In relation to the ligaments, it can be said that
I. They are resistant and inelastic structures.
II. They are responsible for the union of bones and act as shock absorbers.
III. Collagen is one of the main constituents of ligaments.
IV. They help in the local fixation of many internal organs.
The statements are correct.
a) I and III
b) II and IV
c) I, III and IV
d) All alternatives
Correct alternative: d) All alternatives.
Ligaments are responsible for connecting bones together, stabilizing and protecting joints, and assisting in the local attachment of many internal organs, such as the bladder and diaphragm.
They are formed by are formed by the union of connective tissues, where there are many collagen fibers responsible for structural functions, such as strengthening the ligaments.
See too: Ligaments
question 9
The joints are the meeting point between bones, as it makes the connection between bones and cartilage. Joints are classified by the degree of mobility in
a) suspenders, segmental and attached
b) synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis and diarthrosis
c) fibrous, muscular and nervous
d) long, short and circular
Correct alternative: b) synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis and diarthrosis.
One of the classifications of joints is related to the degree of mobility, which differentiates them in
Synarthrosis: Virtually no mobility, as in skull sutures.
Amphiarthrosis: they are semi-mobile, as in the hip bones and vertebrae.
Diaarthrosis: Highly mobile, such as knee, elbow and shoulder.
See too: joints
question 10
Cartilage is a type of tissue
a) striated
b) muscle
c) conjunctive
d) epithelial
Correct alternative: c) conjunctive.
Cartilage is a type of connective tissue, made up of elastic protein fibers and collagen. It is an extracellular matrix with embedded cartilage cells, chondrocytes (adult cells) and chondroblasts (young cells).
See too: Cartilage
question 11
The tendons have the following functions, EXCEPT
a) Coat the bone joints
b) Dampen friction between bones
c) Protect some parts of the body
d) Absorb electrolytes from the blood
Correct alternative: d) Absorb electrolytes from the blood.
Tendons are structures responsible for connecting muscles to bones, which facilitates the distribution of force and contributes to movement.
In addition, it dampens friction and can be found in almost every joint in the body.
See too: Tendon
question 12
(Mack-2009) Osteoporosis is a disease that mainly affects women after 50 years of age.
It is characterized by the loss of bone tissue, which can lead to fractures. In this context, consider the statements below.
I. Food intake, such as milk and dairy products, associated with physical activity, is important in preventing the disease.
II. Moderate exposure to the sun increases the synthesis of vitamin D, responsible for fixing calcium in bone tissue.
III. This disease can occur in cases where calcium intake is deficient, which causes the removal of this element from the bone tissue matrix.
a) if all are correct.
b) if only I and III are correct.
c) if only II and III are correct.
d) if only I and II are correct.
e) if only I is correct.
Correct alternative: a) if all are correct.
I. CORRECT Calcium, present in milk and dairy products, serves as raw material for bones, as practically all the body's calcium is located in bones and teeth. Physical activities are important for bone health, as they strengthen the muscles.
II. CORRECT Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium.
III. CORRECT Virtually all the calcium in the body is stored in the bones and released as needed.