Days of the week in spanish

As with other languages, the Spanish calendar includes seven days of the week.

The expression days of the week is translated into Spanish as weekdays.

If we want to refer specifically to the two days of the weekend, we use the expression weekend.

Check out the information below and learn how to write the days of the week:

  • Lunas (Monday)
  • Mars (Tuesday)
  • Miércoles (Wednesday)
  • Jueves (Thursday)
  • Viernes (Friday)
  • Saturday (Saturday)
  • Sunday (Sunday)
days of the week in spanish

Check below some example sentences with translation.

Examples (Examples):

  • What day is it today? today youth. (What Day is Today? Today is Thursday.)
  • he Sunday in the afternoon you will be at your house. (Sunday afternoon I will be at your house.)
  • In moons The come hay clases de español (Spanish lessons are available from Monday to Friday.)
  • in this Saturday voy to make a trip. (This Saturday I'm going on a trip.)
  • Sunday there is an artistic presentation in the church. (Sunday has an artistic performance at church.)

If you need to write the days of the week of short form, see how to do it:

  • Luna (Lun)
  • Mars (Sea)
  • Miércoles (Mie)
  • Jueves (Jue)
  • Viernes (Vie)
  • Saturday (Sat)
  • Sunday (Sun)

Pronunciation (Pronounce)

If you've learned to write the names of the days of the week in Spanish, but don't know how to pronounce them, don't worry!

We provide below a list with the orthoepia of each day, that is, the way each one is pronounced.

  • lunes / lunes /
  • Mars / Mars /
  • Myercoles /myercoles/
  • Jueves /Ruêbes/
  • Viernes /biernes/
  • Saturday / Saturday /
  • Sunday/Sunday/

Pronunciation Rules (Reglas de la Pronuncia)

Get to know some peculiarities of the Spanish language and understand the reason for certain sounds in the pronunciation of the names of the days of the week.

  • The letter “j” in Spanish has the sound of “R”.
  • The letter “v” in Spanish has the sound of “b”.

For this reason, Jueves' pronunciation is /ruêbes/ and Viernes's is /biernes/.

Gender and Grade (Gender and Grade)

Unlike Portuguese, where the days of the week are female (except Saturday and Sunday), in Spanish they are all male, and therefore preceded by the articles “el” (o) or “los” (os):

  • he moons/them moons
  • he martes/them martes
  • he myercoles/them myercoles
  • he youths/them youth
  • he comenes/them come
  • he Saturday/them Saturdays
  • he Sunday/them sundays


  • My fiesta de cumpleaños will be the next viernes. (My birthday party is next Friday.)
  • The new salon de peluquería is going to open the martes. (The new hair salon will open on Tuesday.)
  • I have English classes every Saturday. (I take English classes every Saturday.)

Stay tuned! (Ojo!)

The plural rule for the days of the week in Spanish is variable for words ending in "s" (lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes) and for those that do not end (Saturday and Sunday).

In the first case, what changes is the article that accompanies it and not the word.


  • All moons yo I get up early. (Every Monday I wake up early.)
  • All juegos futbol con mis amigos. (Every Thursday I play football with my friends.)

With regard to the plural of the words "Saturday" and "Sunday", in addition to the accompanying article being the article "los", the "s" is added.


  • Every saturday I'm going to visit mi abuela. (Every Saturday I go visit my grandmother.)
  • Sundays are rest days. (Sundays are rest days.)

Origin of the weekdays

Check the explanations below and understand why the days of the week in Spanish have such names.

the solar system
  • Moons: Monday has its name inspired by Latin Lunae (day of the moon). The word lua is translated into Spanish as moon.
  • mars: Tuesday is named after the planet Mars. from latin martis (day of Mars), also name of the god of war and guardian of agriculture. The spelling of the word in Spanish is the same as the term in Portuguese: Mars.
  • Miercoles: Wednesday is named after the planet Mercury. from latin Mercury (Day of Mercury), also name of the god of commerce and travelers. The word Mercury is translated into Spanish as Mercurio.
  • youth: Thursday is named after the planet Jupiter. from latin young (Day of Jupiter), name also of the god of the skies, of thunder and lightning. The spelling of the word in Spanish is the same as the term in Portuguese: Jupiter.
  • Viernes: Friday is named after the planet Venus. from latin veneris (Day of Venus), also name of the goddess of love and beauty. The word Venus is translated into Spanish as Venus.
  • Saturday: the name Saturday is inspired by Saturn, the Roman god of time. It is also said that the name can be derived from the Latin sabbatum (rest). The spelling of the word in Spanish is the same as the term in Portuguese: Saturn.
  • Sunday: the day that used to designate the current Sunday was originally inspired by the Sun. During the Middle Ages, the church baptized what was previously called the “day of the sun” (dies solis) of "the day of the Lord", Dominicus dies in Latin. The spelling of the word in Spanish is the same as the term in Portuguese: Sun.


Watch the video below and hear how to correctly pronounce the days of the week. Also know some variations on the theory of the origin of the days of the week.

Weekdays in Spanish and Their Origins ( Dias de la Semana and Sus Orígenes)

Spanish in Enem: infallible tips for you to beat the test


Complete the exercises below with the correct translation.

1. The _____________ is the day of the Spanish class. (Thursday)

a) myercoles
b) youth
c) come
d) martes
e) moons

Correct alternative: b) jueves

2. Yo hate them _________. (Mondays)

a) myercoles
b) youth
c) come
d) martes
e) moons

Correct alternative: e) lunes

3. El __________ nació mi hermano. (Wednesday)

a) myercoles
b) youth
c) come
d) martes
e) moons

Correct alternative: a) myercoles

4. Ours do not work el ___________. (Tuesdays)

a) myercoles
b) youth
c) come
d) martes
e) moons

Correct alternative: d) martes

5. My friends and yo let's go out together el ___________. (Friday)

a) myercoles
b) youth
c) come
d) martes
e) moons

Correct alternative: c) viernes

Read more about the Spanish language:

  • Numbers in Spanish
  • Hours in Spanish
  • Nouns in Spanish
  • months of the year in spanish
  • Spanish questions (Enem)
  • Illustrated Spanish Hour Activities
  • Main Spanish slang (Spain and Latin America)
  • Possessive Pronouns in Spanish

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