Past tense composed of the subjunctive in Spanish

O perfect past tense composed of subjunctive(past perfect composed of the subjunctive in Spanish) is used for expressing hypothetical realization finished actions both in the past and in the future. This fact is due to the inherent characteristics of the subjunctive mode, which is the mode of possibilities. In addition to this function, this tense is used in subordinate, exclamatory, duplicative and reduplicative clauses.

Read too: Infinitive, gerund and participle in Spanish

Summary about the pastperfectcompositeinsubjunctive

  • It is used to speak of hypothetical realization actions, both in the past and in the future.

  • It is a compound tense, formed by the present tense of the verb know and the participle of the main verb.

Video lesson on past tense composed in Spanish

Structured perfect past tense composed of subjunctive

O perfect past tense composed of subjunctive is formed by verb knowconjugate in the subjunctive present and the participle of the main verb.


Verb know in the present subjunctive

main verb in the participle






you / you


he / she / usted




you (the)


ellos (as) / ustedes


Use ofperfect past tense composed of subjunctive

I- Exclamatory prayers, those in which we express our desires:

  • Ojalá hayan arrived early!
    (Hopefully/Hopefully have arrived early!)

  • Carolina salió temprano, that she at le haya grabbed la lluvia.
    (Carolina left early, she hoped the rain wouldn't have caught.)

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II- Doubtful prayers, that is, those that express doubts or probabilities - perhaps, possibly, possibly, probably:

María no llegó, perhaps she fell with her friends.

(Mary didn't arrive, maybe have stayedo with your friends.)

III- Reduplicative prayers:

Yo la peritonaré, haya dicho lo que she haya dicho.

(I will forgive her no matter what she have said.)

IV- Subordinate clauses:

Generally, the verb in the subjunctive mood appears in the subordinate clause in cases where the period consists of two clauses with different subjects.

I do not believe that Raúl had gone without saying goodbye.

(I don't believe/I think Raul has gone away without saying goodbye.)

On the other hand, there are specific uses of the subjunctive mood with adverbs and conjunctions.

See too: Indefinite past tense in Spanish (simple past tense)

solved exercises

Question 1 - (Enem 2014.2)

Returning to the restlessness of so many people, it contradicts the racist and xenophobic denomination “Día de la Raza” used for the October 12th holiday, where the arrival of the from the first europeans to lands later named America, we reinforced the idea by summing up groups and independents of ciudadana militancy motivated by mismo. It may seem smaller, but un nombre dice mucho. It is a symbol, a representation, a code that summarizes infinity of things from the objective and from the subjective. And regrettably in the hubo “discovery” bellowing and appropriating. In the hubo “encuentro” bell saqueo and massacre. The proposal is that Uruguayan society achieves a substantive phrase that keeps memory of the past, betting on a present and a future fraternal and egalitarian, and a coexistence without hegemonies and cultural predominance, even though it was the origin of our country story.

(ANDRADE, S. In the more Dia de la Raza. Latin America in motion. Available in:

With the expression “Día de la Raza”, reference is made to the arrival of the first Europeans in American territory and the commemoration of that day is called. The author of the text suggests the end of this denomination in Uruguay, believing that

A) the adopted nomenclature will be forgotten, because it is common knowledge that there was no discovery.

B) the claim will convince other groups and supporters, because many are unaware of this name.

C) society must find a meaningful phrase to preserve the memory of facts.

D) conviviality will allow the massacres to be forgotten, because there was no meeting in the past.

E) the present and the future are and will be fraternal and egalitarian in order to encourage cultural predominance.


Alternative C. The resolution of this issue depends on the reading of the last paragraph of the text, in which the author expresses that the Uruguayan society must find a phrase that “keep memory de los hechos betting on a fraternal and egalitarian present and future, and a coexistence without hegemonies in cultural predominance even though there was the origin of our country story". Thus, the beginning of Uruguayan history was not equal, but the future may be.

Question 2 - Complete the space with the correct conjugation of the perfect past tense composed of the subjunctive:

A) I hope that Ana ________ (llegar) fulfills her destiny.

B) Alejandro does not believe that Elena reads _________ (lying).

C) Aunque _____________ (pasar, nosotros) for many problems, we go on together.

D) Ojalá las niñas ________ (finish) the exams,

E) Today is the delivery of the job, I recommend that you do it __________ (scribe).


A) haya aggrieved

B) haya lied

C) hayamos past

D) hayan finished

E) written hayas

By Renata Martins Gornattes
Spanish teacher

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GORNATTES, Renata Martins. "Past perfect composed of the subjunctive in Spanish"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on August 21, 2021.

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