La Culinaria en Español


When entering "in the restaurant” everyone sits down and is attended to “by the chamberlain” or “for he mozo”. Next, this offers “la letter”, where you choose “the first plate" and "the second plate”, or also called “main plate”, in addition to the drinks.

On the table are "them cubiertos”, “the plates”, “the vases" and "the servilletas”. After a while "the chamberlain" it suits "an appetizer" with "acceptunas, jamón, queso, butter and toast” and also brings the drink, which can be from “una soda”, “one water”, “a cerveza” even a delicious “white or red wine”.

After some time, finally comes "he asked”. Everyone wanted to taste a typical dish like “he gazpacho” and then some preferred to eat “a fillet" with "one salad”. Others, more adept at frying, asked "fried chicken" and "a tortilla of patatas”.

To finish "he almuerzo”, everyone asked “un postre”, between the options: “helado”, “durazno en almíbar”, “rice with milk" and "flan”. To end the gastronomic spree, a “cup” of coffee and “there account”. Politely, the waiter asks: “¿en effective? Ocount?”.

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