28 Pronoun exercises with template

Test your knowledge of all types of pronouns and become an expert on the subject!

At the end of each exercise, you will find the commented answers to make sure you know everything.

question 1

(PUC-SP) In the excerpt that we transcribe below, there are several pronouns.

"With this story I'm going to be sensitized, and I know that each day is a day stolen from death. I'm not an intellectual, I write with my body. And what I write is a wet mist."

Identify, in it, two demonstrative pronouns, a personal pronoun of the straight case and a personal pronoun of the oblique case.

demonstrative pronouns: esta, o;
personal pronoun of the straight case: eu;
personal pronoun of the oblique case: me.

Comment: In this case, the article “o” has the value of demonstrative pronoun. That's because it could be replaced as follows: "And what I write is a wet mist."

question 2

(Mackenzie) The placement of the oblique pronoun is incorrect in:

a) In order not to upset him, I had to leave.
b) When he felt in difficulty, he asked for help.

c) I will not submit to his whims.
d) He looked at me for a while, moved.
e) I didn't see her when she entered.

Alternative b: When she felt in difficulty, she asked for help.

Comment: The correct thing would be "When she felt in difficulty, she asked for help." When there is an adverb before the verb (when it is a tense adverb), proclisis is used.

question 3

(PUC-MG) We found an undefined pronoun in:

a) "Many hours later, she was still waiting for the result."
b) "Those minutes were bitter, since she decided to leave them."
c) "We would probably be deceived, because our participation was active."
d) "There was a need for such ideas to be buried."
e) "We knew what you were supposed to tell him when he got home from the party."

Alternative to: "Many hours later, she was still waiting for the result."

Comment: The pronouns of the remaining clauses are classified into:

b) those: demonstrative pronoun;
c) our: possessive pronoun;
d) such: demonstrative pronoun;
e)lhe: personal pronoun of the oblique case.

question 4

(UFRJ) In one of the sentences, a treatment pronoun is improperly used. Tick ​​it:

a) The Rectors of Universities receive the title of Your Magnificence.
b) His Excellency, the Minister, did not attend the meeting.
c) Honorable Member, I ask Your Excellency to conclude your prayer.
d) His Eminence, Pope Paul VI, attended the ceremony.
e) I went to the head of the department, but his landlady refused to listen to my explanations.

Alternative d: His Eminence, Pope Paul VI, attended the ceremony.

Comment: The treatment pronoun used for the Pope is Your Holiness.

question 5

(PUC) In the sentence: "Pedro, Maria and her son arrived", the possessive pronoun is reinforced to:

a) emphasis
b) elegance and style
c) harmony figure
d) clarity
e) n.d.a

Alternative D: Clarity.

Comment: The contraction of the preposition “of” plus the pronoun “she” was used to reinforce that the child is only Mary's.

This is because the pronoun “your” would not make this information clear: “Peter, Maria and their son arrived”, it could suggest that the son belongs to Pedro and Maria.

question 6

(Fuvest) Check the alternative where the personal pronoun is used correctly:

a) This is a problem for me to solve.
b) Between you and me there is nothing else.
c) The issue must be resolved by you and me.
d) For me, traveling by plane is an ordeal.
e) When I came to, I didn't know where I was.

Alternative d: For me, traveling by plane is an ordeal.

Comment: Why are the other alternatives wrong?

  • "me to resolve": whenever a verb is conjugated, pronouns from the straight case are used and not from the oblique case. The correct one would be: This is a problem for me to solve.
  • "between me and you": with the preposition "between", personal pronouns of the oblique case are used. The correct thing would be: Between you and me there is nothing else.
  • "by me and you": after the preposition (by), personal pronouns of the tonic oblique case are used. The correct thing would be: The issue must be resolved by you and me.
  • "a si": here there was a mixture of people (I came back - 1st person singular - and si - 3rd person singular). The correct thing would be: When I came back to myself, I didn't know where I was.

question 7

(UFPR) Complete with the pronouns and indicate the correct option, among those indicated below:

1. Suddenly he gave her a book to _____ to read.
2. Suddenly, he gave a book to _____.
3. There is nothing else between _____ and you.
4. There have always been understandings between _____ and you.
5. Joseph, wait, I'll _____.

a) he, me, me, I, can
b) she, me, me, me, with you
c) she, me, me, me, with you
d) she, me, me, me, can
e) she, me, me, me, with you

Alternative c: she, me, me, me, with you.

Comment: After a preposition, the personal pronoun of the oblique case is used, so the 2nd sentence could not be “Suddenly, he gave me a book”.

The same is true in the 3rd and 4th prayer, so the correct thing is "Nothing more between you and me." and "There were always understandings between you and me."

In the 5th prayer, the use of “with you” and “with you” are correct.

question 8

(Mackenzie) Tick the alternative that has a pronominal placement error:

a) You shouldn't shut up.
b) I will not give you any information.
c) The son did not attend.
d) If I offer you my condolences, I do so discreetly.
e) Nobody wants to advise you.

Alternative d: If I offer my condolences, I will do so discreetly.

Comment: Proclisis is used in clauses with subordinate conjunctions “to present yourself…”. Thus, the correct thing would be: “If I offer you my condolences, I will do it discreetly.”.

question 9

(UFMA) Identify the sentence in which the word "certain" is an indefinite pronoun:

a) Sure you lost your mind.
b) A guy came to you.
c) You picked the right guy.
d) Mark the right concept.
e) Don't leave right for wrong.

Alternative b: A certain guy came to you.

Comment: “a certain boy” gives a vague idea of ​​who the boy would be, which is why we are faced with an indefinite pronoun.

question 10

(ITA) The unstressed oblique personal pronoun is well placed in only one of the periods. Which?

a) This is not my concern! he replied primly.
b) As decided in the session, I hope that everyone presents themselves at the appropriate time.
c) Understand me! I didn't tell you this!
d) The advice that parents give us, we will take into account later.
e) Tomorrow I will tell you why I managed not to get involved.

Alternative to: This is not my concern! he replied primly.

Comment: The correct thing would be: This is not my concern. With regard to “answered me”, the placement is correct in that the enclisis is used when the verb starts the sentence.

question 11

(Unirio) Tick the item that conveniently completes the gaps in the passage: The jaw and teeth denoted the decrepitude of the donkey; _____, however, was more spent than _____ .

a) these, that
b) these, that
c) these, these
d) those, this
e) these, these

Alternative b: these, that.

Comment: The demonstrative pronoun “these” refers to teeth, as it is the closest term. The pronoun “that” refers to the jaw, as it is the farthest term in the sentence.

question 12

(Cesgranrio) Tick the option where the pronoun has NO reflexive value:

a) “he gave himself up to the darkest despair”
b) "You almost became a police defendant"
c) “– Lord! – exclaimed Isaura, running and throwing herself at Álvaro's feet”
d) “the following ones will be even worse… and will make you go rolling from abyss to abyss”
e) "I think I am the happiest of mortals"

Alternative d: “the following will be even worse… and will make you roll from abyss to abyss”.

Comment: This sentence does not give the idea that the subject performs an action on himself. After all, it is "the following (that) will make it go rolling into the abyss" and not the person himself.

question 13

(Cesgranrio) Check the option where the pronominal form used is INCORRECT.

a) It is difficult for me to practice certain physical exercises.
b) There are still many important things for me to do.
c) Retirement slippers are not for you.
d) When retirement came, I came to my senses.
e) So you don't have any hassles, avoid speeding.

Alternative d: When retirement came, I came to my senses.

Comment: The pronoun “I” belongs to the 1st person singular. The pronoun “si” belongs to the 2nd person singular. The correct thing would be: When retirement came, I fell on myself.

question 14

(Enem) The use of the unstressed pronoun at the beginning of sentences is highlighted by a poet and a grammarian in the texts below.

give me a cigarette
says the grammar
from the teacher and the student
And from the known mulatto
But the good black and the good white
of the Brazilian nation
they say every day
leave it comrade
Give me a cigarette.

(ANDRADE, Oswald de. Selection of texts. São Paulo: Nova Cultural, 1988.)

“Starting the sentence with an unstressed pronoun is only legal in familiar, carefree conversation, or in written language when one wants to reproduce the characters' speech (…)”.

(CEGALLA. Domingos Paschoal. Brand new grammar of the Portuguese language. São Paulo: National, 1980.)

Comparing the explanation given by the authors about this rule, it can be said that both:

a) Condemn this grammatical rule
b) They believe that only the enlightened know this rule.
c) Criticize the presence of rules in grammar.
d) They claim that there are no rules for the use of pronouns.
e) They relativize this grammatical rule.

Alternative e: They relativize this grammatical rule.

Comment: Despite the rule that enclisis is used when the verb begins the sentence, in colloquial language it is common to use proclisis, as exemplified by the poet.

question 15

(Unicamp-SP) The X Party is dedicated to this activity more than ever. It so happens that it is still far from what is desired, whether due to the party's lack of will, vocation or incapacity. Among other reasons, that's why the dollar goes up.

RODRIGUES, Fernando. Sheet of S. Paulo, São Paulo, 25 Sept. 2002. Partially adapted.

a) In the first sentence, there is a word (a pronoun) that allows us to conclude that the passage above is not the beginning of Fernando Rodrigues' text. What is the word and why does its occurrence allow such a conclusion?

The word is “that”, a demonstrative pronoun that indicates that the activity will have already been mentioned in the text.

question 16

(UFV-MG) Of the alternatives below, only one correctly fills the gaps in the sentences. Check it out.

When you leave, let us know that we will _____ .
My father gave _____ a book to read.
Don't put yourself between _____ and her.
Sent a message to you and _____.

a) with you, me, me, me
b) with you, me, me, me
c) you, me, me, me
d) with you, me, me, me
e) with you, me, me, me

Alternative e: with you, me, me, me.

Comment: In the conjugation of verbs, the personal pronoun of the straight case (“for me to read”) is used.
After the preposition, personal pronouns from the oblique case are used. (“between me and her” and “for you and me”).

Read more about Me or me: when to use each of them?

question 17

(FEI-SP) Replace the highlighted terms with the corresponding oblique pronouns.

a) Found the body in the greenhouse.
b) Tear off the chest an amethyst cross.
c) The layout of the plants does not allow a hideout.

a) They found him in the greenhouse.
b) Plucked it from the chest.
c) The layout of the plants does not allow it.

question 18

(Mackenzie) "This hell to love - how I love it! - / Who put me here in the soul... who was? / This flame that encourages and consumes, / Which is life - and which life destroys - / How did it come to light, / When - alas, when will it go out? (Almeida Garret)

In the text, the pronouns I - who - this are, respectively:

a) undefined - personal - undefined
b) personal - interrogative - demonstrative
c) personal - undefined - statement
d) interrogative - personal - undefined
e) undefined - personal - interrogative

Alternative b: personal - interrogative - demonstrative.


  • "I" is a personal pronoun of the straight case, which serves as a subject;
  • "who" is an interrogative pronoun, which is used in the formulation of direct or indirect questions;
  • "this" is a demonstrative pronoun, which is used to indicate position .

question 19

(FCMSCSP) Please pass _____ pen that is there near you; _____ here is not for _____ to draw.

a) that, that, me
b) this, this, me
c) this, this, me
d) this, this, me
e) that, that, me

Alternative c: this one, this one, me.


  • “That pen”, because the pen is closest to the person the caller is talking to.
  • “This”, because the caller has the pen with him.
  • “I”, because in the conjugation of verbs the personal pronoun of the straight case is always used.

question 20

(UFAM) Tick the item where there is an error in the use of the personal pronoun:

a) Once the sleeves were received, the boys shared them equally among themselves.
b) He always gave me books, telling me that I should get into the habit of reading.
c) These delicious mango candies, I brought them for you to take to Pindar.
d) Altruists think less about themselves and more about others.
e) Take the newspaper with you, Acácio. I've read it early on.

Alternative c: These delicious mangarataia candies, I brought them for you to take to Pindar.
Comment: The correct thing would be “These delicious mango candies, I brought them for you to take to Pindar.”. This is because the verb to take is conjugated in the 2nd person singular (levares).

question 21

Indicate the right alternative.

a) There is only one treatment pronoun that is used in informal situations. This pronoun is: sir (a).
b) Treatment pronouns are used only in formal situations, without exception.
c) Her Highness, Queen Elizabeth II, is waiting for you.
d) Awaiting your appreciation, I cordially say goodbye.
e) N.D.A.

Alternative d: I await your appreciation, I cordially bid you farewell.

“Your Lordship” is the pronoun used to address senior officials in business correspondence, which is likely the context of the sentence above.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) “You”, often used in informal situations, is a treatment pronoun, while “sir” is a respectful treatment to address older people.

b) Treatment pronouns are used in formal situations, with the exception of “you”, which is used in an informal context.

c) “Your Highness” is the treatment pronoun used for princes, princesses, dukes and duchess. The proper pronoun for a queen is "Your Majesty".

question 22

Rewrite the sentence below to remove the ambiguity:

The mother told her son that her attitude was not correct. Then they embraced.

The mother told her son that his attitude was not correct. Then they embraced.


The mother told her son that her attitude was not correct. Then they embraced.

The possessive pronoun “your/your” sometimes creates ambiguity. Thus, in the above prayer, it is not possible to say whether the mother was talking about her own attitude or the child's attitude.

To avoid this, we can use the forms “dele (a)”, which is the contraction of “from + personal pronoun he (a)”.

question 23

Rewrite each of the prayers below into one. Use relative pronouns to avoid repetition.

a) You talked about the movie. I didn't watch this movie.
b) I await the requested response. I forward a copy of the request.
c) Neighbors are saying things around. What the neighbors said is true.
d) My friend took a vacation in a beautiful place. I will spend my vacation in the same place.
e) Spends the day talking about the younger brother. He is very fond of his brother.

a) I didn't watch the movie you talked about. ("that" is an invariant relative pronoun)
b) I await an answer about the request whose copy of the request I forward. ("whose" is a variable relative pronoun)
c) The things the neighbors are talking about are true. ("which" is a variable relative pronoun)
d) I will spend my vacation in a beautiful place where my friend spent her vacation too. ("where" is an invariant relative pronoun)
e) I spend the day talking about my younger brother, whom I love a lot. ("who" is an invariant relative pronoun)

question 24

Identify the interrogative pronouns in the sentences below.

a) I would like to know the price of that trip.
b) How much did you pay for my books?
c) What are our alternatives?
d) I want to know who made this mess.
e) What day will something new happen?

The) which is variable interrogative pronoun, "that" is the contraction of "of" + demonstrative pronoun "that".
B) how much is variable interrogative pronoun, “meus” is 1st person singular possessive pronoun.
ç) which are is variable interrogative pronoun, “ours” is 1st person plural possessive pronoun.
d) who is an invariant interrogative pronoun, "this" is a singular feminine demonstrative pronoun.
and) what is invariant interrogative pronoun, "something" is invariant indefinite pronoun.

question 25

Which alternatives are wrong?

a) Is this for me to do?
b) Is this book for me?
c) Is this book for me to read on vacation?
d) He helped me in what he could.
e) I need one of these for myself.

Alternative to: Is this for me to do?

Correction: Is this for me to do?
“Me” is a personal pronoun of the oblique case. Oblique pronouns never function as a subject, but rather as a direct object.
The pronouns that have the function of subject are the pronouns of the straight case - I, you, he (a), we, you, they (as).

Alternative d: He helped me what he could.

Correction: He helped me in what he could.
“I” is a personal pronoun of the straight case. The pronouns of the straight case never have the function of complement, but of subject. In this sentence, the subject is "he", who belongs to the right case.
The pronouns that have the verbal complement function are the oblique case pronouns. In this case, “me”, which refers to the 1st person singular.

question 26

Indicate the clause in which the highlighted oblique pronoun has the function of a direct object.

a) read-O and went to sleep.
b) If this had not happened, I would give the money to you.
c) ran overyou and fled.
d) I will reward him if he obeys-you.
and them me they returned the books.

Alternative to: Read-O and went to sleep.

He read (the book) and went to sleep. ("o" is an oblique pronoun that has the function of complementing the sentence, which in this case is the direct object, because it complements the verb without needing a preposition)

Alternative c: Run over-you and fled.

He ran over (someone) and ran away ("the" is an oblique pronoun that has the function of complementing the sentence, which in this case is the direct object, because it complements the verb without needing a preposition)

As for the other alternatives:

b) If this had not happened, I would give the money to you.

I would give the money (direct object) to you (indirect object). ("ti" is an oblique pronoun that has the function of complementing the sentence, which in this case is the indirect object, because it complements the verb with the need to use preposition)

d) I will reward him if he obeys-you.

Obeying (someone) ("him" is an oblique pronoun that has the function of complementing the sentence, which in this case is the indirect object, because it complements the verb with the need to use a preposition)

and them me they returned the books.

They returned the books to me ("me" is an oblique pronoun that has the function of complementing the sentence, which in this case is the indirect object, because it complements the verb with the need to use preposition)

question 27

Complete with the appropriate demonstrative pronouns.

a) Peter, ______ the book you are holding is the one I read this past vacation.
b) I would like to read ______ book that is on the last shelf.
c) ______ book here I got for my birthday, but I still didn't want to start reading.

a) Peter, that book you're holding is what I read this past vacation.

The pronoun “this” should be used when the element being spoken about is close to the person we are talking to. In this case, the book is in Pedro's hands.

b) I wanted to read that one book that's on the last shelf.

The pronoun “that” should be used when the element being spoken about is far from the person speaking and the person being spoken to. In this case, the book is on the last shelf of the bookstore/library.

ç) This one I got a book here for my birthday, but I still didn't feel like reading it.

The pronoun “this” should be used when the element being spoken about is with the person speaking. In this case, the book is with me.

question 28

Identify and classify the personal pronouns in the first stanza of the poem Três Ages, by Manuel Bandeira:

"The first time I saw you,
It was me a boy and you a girl.
You smile so much... there was in you
Instinct grace, graceful and fine.
You were small, you were thin...

"The first time that you vi": personal pronoun of the oblique case, 2nd person singular
"Was me boy...": personal pronoun of the straight case, 1st person singular
“... and you girl": personal pronoun of the oblique case, 2nd person singular
"You smiled so much... there was in you”: personal pronoun of the oblique case, 2nd person singular

For you to study more:

  • Pronouns
  • Personal pronouns
  • Possessive pronouns
  • Demonstrative pronouns
  • Indefinite Pronouns
  • Relative pronouns
  • Interrogative pronouns
Pronoun - All types simply and quickly

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