10 exercises on invertebrate and vertebrate animals with answers

It is known that animals are eukaryotes, multicellular and heterotrophs. Based on the assumption, select the correct option regarding animals.

Answer key explained

Right answer: letter C - Animals have a caryoteca delimiting their DNA.

To begin understanding animals, whether invertebrates or vertebrates, it is necessary to understand the structures that allow these organisms to be classified as animals.

To be classified in the Animal Kingdom, the organism must be heterotrophic, that is, it obtains its nutrients from sources external, multicellular, have many cells, and eukaryotic, that is, their genetic material, DNA, remains in a core.

The karyotheca is the name commonly used to define the membrane of the nucleus. Therefore, this membrane acts as a limit for the DNA so that it does not become scattered in the cytoplasm.

Given the groups of animals below, select the option that contains only vertebrate animals.

a) Crinoids, Polypoids and Anura

b) Anura, Parrots, Cyclostomes

c) Asterozoa, Myriapods, Apodos

d) Urodels, Lacertilia, Sycons

e) Orthoptera, Leptoptera, Passariformes

Answer key explained

Right answer: letter B - Anura, Psittacidae, Cyclostomes.

Anurans are vertebrates of the Amphibian Class, their representatives are: toads, tree frogs and frogs.

Psittacidae are birds whose representatives are: parrots, macaws and parakeets.

Cyclostomes are primitive vertebrates that do not have a jaw, their representatives are lampreys and hagfish.

There are characteristics that arise in organisms that were transmitted by common ancestors, this is the premise of the evolution of species. When one or more characteristics appear in different groups, they are known as synapomorphies.

Select the option that contains a synapomorphy between invertebrates and vertebrates.

Answer key explained

Right answer: letter a - Deuterostomy.

Deuterostomy is the process of forming the first orifice of the body. Deuterostome animals are initially formed by the anus. In other words, during embryonic development, the first orifice, called the blastopore, gives rise to the anus.

Unlike protostome animals, whose orifice leads to the mouth.

A group of invertebrate animals are deuterostomes, as are all vertebrates. These organisms belong to the Phylum of Echinoderms (sea stars, urchins, sand dollars, among others).

Therefore, deuterostomia can be considered a synapomorphy between Echinoderms and Chordates (vertebrate animals - Craniates and Protochordates).

Select the option below that only contains characteristics of invertebrate animals (any Phylum).

Presence of a well-defined skull and absence of a vertebral column

b) Segmented body, presence of chitinous exoskeleton and articulated legs

c) Body with bilateral symmetry, presence of cnidocytes and absence of calcareous bones

d) Presence of digestive tract, hepatopancreatic gland and presence of eyes

e) Presence of radulae, calcium carbonate shells and sexual dimorphism

Answer key explained

Right answer: letter B - Segmented body, presence of chitinous exoskeleton and articulated legs.

Although, in other options, there are characteristics of invertebrate animals, not all of them actually occur only in invertebrates. For example, bodies with bilateral symmetry is a common characteristic between invertebrate and vertebrate animals, like us humans, who also have bilateral symmetry.

The best option is the letter b, as a segmented body occurs in several groups of invertebrates, such as Annelids (earthworms) and Arthropods (myriapods), the chitinous exoskeleton (arthropods) and the presence of articulated legs (also in arthropods).

Natural Selection is an implacable law within nature. Depending on how organisms adapt, their genes will or will not be passed on. When observing current animals, it is possible to verify some characteristics favorable to their lifestyle.

According to the text above, select the option that indicates a favorable adaptation and the animal group that holds it.

Answer key explained

Right answer: letter a - Fosseta Loreal - Venomous snakes.

The loreal pit is a structure that emerged in evolution in snakes from the Viperidae family. It helps identify the heat projected by prey. It is a kind of thermal sensor embedded between the nostrils and eyes of these animals.

a) They are vertebrate, sessile animals and have very special cells, choanocytes

b) They are invertebrate, sessile animals and have three embryonic leaflets, that is, they are triploblastic

c) They are sessile or swimming animals, have choanotics and amoebocytes as specialized cells and are diblastic

d) They are predatory, filter-feeding animals and are divided into ascon, sycon and leucon

e) They are invertebrate, sessile animals, do not form true tissues and are filter feeders

Answer key explained

Right answer: letter e - They are invertebrate, sessile animals, do not form true tissues and are filter feeders.

Poriferans or sea sponges, are invertebrate animals that do not form true tissues, are sessile, that is, fixed on the marine or freshwater substrate and filter feeders.

They are predatory, diblastic animals, which can be swimming or fixed, have a digestive cavity and have special cells that help in obtaining prey.

Answer key explained

Right answer: letter D - This is the Phylum of Cnidarians - Invertebrate animals.

Cnidarians can be fixed (polyps) or swimming (medusae), such as corals and jellyfish, respectively. They do not have a digestive tube, that is, the presence of a mouth and anus, but rather a cavity with just the mouth.

They have cells specialized in obtaining food, cnidocytes. They trigger a structure with a very high pH (14) that immobilizes small animals. And, finally, they are diblastic, that is, they have only two embryonic leaflets in their development.

Analyze the statements below and classify them as true or false.

IV - There are oviparous mammals.

Answer key explained

Right answer: letter B - F - V - F - V

F - Not every animal in the Chordate Phylum has a skull and spine. Within the Chordates there are two groups, the Protochordates, represented by the Amphioxus and Ascidians, and the Craniates, represented by the best-known vertebrates, such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

V - Despite their controversial origin, all animals have common ancestry, given existing characteristics (multicellular, eukaryotes, heterotrophs). They are believed to have originated around 555 million years ago from a fossil named after Ikaria wariootia.

F - Although only birds currently have feathers, this characteristic is not exclusive to this group of animals. Fossil records demonstrate that theropod dinosaurs had feathers, therefore, it is not an exclusive characteristic, as previously believed.

V - Monotreme mammals such as the echidna and the platypus are oviparous. In other words, these animals perform oviposition to reproduce.

Because they are multicellular, all animals are macroscopic.

Select the option that refutes or confirms the statement above.

a) Yes, because being multicellular means having many cells, so they are all visible to the naked eye

b) No, the cells are not visible to the naked eye

c) No, not all animals are visible to the naked eye, even though they are multicellular, like mites, for example

d) Yes, all animals are multicellular, so they are only visible under microscopy

e) Yes, not all animals are visible to the naked eye, for example, protozoa are microscopic

Answer key explained

Right answer: letter C - No, not all animals are visible to the naked eye, even though they are multicellular, like mites, for example.

Mites are extremely small, only visible under microscopy. However, they are animals, classified in the Arachnid Class. Therefore, not all animals are macroscopic.

Some snakes are able to ingest animals much larger than their mouth diameter. This happens because:

a) They are invertebrates, making it easier to ingest bodies much larger than their own

b) Being vertebrate and without jaws

c) Because it has a stomach with strong contractions

d) Because it has a special jaw that does not connect directly to the skull, facilitating the ingestion process

e) Its jaw is welded to the base of the skull, which facilitates the ingestion process

Answer key explained

Right answer: letter D - Because it has a special jaw that does not connect directly to the skull, facilitating the ingestion process.

Non-venomous snakes, such as boas, tend to swallow their prey whole. Because they have jaws that do not connect directly to the skull, they achieve greater circumference at the mouth opening. Furthermore, they have very powerful esophageal muscles, which help guide prey to the stomach.

UZUNIAN, A.; BIRNER, E. Biology: single volume. 3rd ed. São Paulo: Harbra, 2008.

CASTILHO, Rubens. 10 exercises on invertebrate and vertebrate animals with templates.All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: https://www.todamateria.com.br/exercicios-sobre-animais-invertebrados-e-vertebrados/. Access at:

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