10 exercises on air pollution with answers and comments

Air pollution is a process of degradation of the atmosphere, almost always caused by human activity. It happens as a result of the entry of substances that do not participate directly in the environment or are found in very low concentrations.

Test your knowledge about air pollution with these 10 exercises Next.

1) From the options below, select the one that contains the three countries that release the most CO2 in the atmosphere and their respective percentages.

A) China (~28%), USA (~15%) and India (~7%)

B) India (~50%), Germany (~15%) and Brazil (~10%)

C) China (~50%), Japan (~15%) and Iran (~22%)

D) South Korea (~10%), Canada (~2%) and Russia (~5%)

E) Japan (~3%), Saudi Arabia (2%) and Iran (3%)

Answer key explained

Right answer: Letter a.

China surpassed the US in CO emission index2 In the atmosphere. It is estimated that the percentage is approximately 28%. Followed by the USA with 15% and India, with 7%.

2) What is the main polluting agent produced when burning fossil fuels?

A) Nitrogen oxides (NOx)

B) Carbon dioxide (CO2)

C) Sulfur dioxide (SO2)

D) Fine particles (PM2.5 and PM10)

E) Hydrocarbons (HC)

Answer key explained

Right answer: Letter B.

Although other pollutants, such as: sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, are also emitted when burning fossil fuels, carbon dioxide is the main one. Produced in large quantities, due to the chemical composition of the material.

3) How do nitrogen oxides (NOx) affect air quality?

A) They do not affect air quality

B) They contribute to the formation of acid rain and can have negative effects on respiratory health

C) They constitute smog and negatively affect respiratory health

D) They contribute to the formation of smog and can have negative effects on respiratory health

E) Contribute to reducing the greenhouse effect

Answer key explained

Right answer: Letter D.

Oxides contribute to the training from smog. Smog is the visible phenomenon of atmospheric pollution, such as dense smoke being released when burning fossil fuels.

4) The atmosphere has a protective layer (O3) that filters harmful radiation originating from the Sun. How is it formed and what exactly is it?

A) Through the release of oxygen from photosynthesis / Ozone layer;

B) Through reactions between CO2 and NOx / Ozone gas

C) Through reactions between SO2 and CO2 / ozone gas

D) Through atmospheric oxygen/troposphere

E) Through reactions between HC and NOx / Ozone gas

Answer key explained

Right answer: Letter e.

Ozone gas (O3) present in the Ozone layer is formed through chemical reactions that take place between Hydrocarbons and Nitrogen Oxides.

5) Select the option that contains the main sources of pollution in the atmosphere.

A) Burning of fossil fuels and gas emissions by industries

B) Forest fires and dust/foliage produced during burning

C) Soil and water pollution

D) Gas emissions from vehicles and burning of garbage

E) Radioactive waste and soil pollution

Answer key explained

Right answer: Letter C.

Although the burning of fossil fuels is a huge polluting agent of the atmosphere, the proportion of vehicles and waste produced on the planet exceeds the latter. Therefore, currently, what produces the most waste in the atmosphere is the emission of gases from vehicles and the burning of garbage.

6) The phenomenon of acid rain is considered a villain that is harmful to collective human and ecological health. Possible causes include: emergence of lung diseases, impoverishment, erosion, change in soil pH, change in freshwater aquatic biota, etc.

How does the phenomenon of acid rain formation occur?

A) By releasing sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, which instantly react with water, producing sulfuric acid and nitric acid

B) By the release of CO2 in the atmosphere, which instantly reacts with water, producing carbonates

C) Due to prolonged exposure of water to the Sun

D) Excess pesticides in groundwater

E) Salts dissolved in ocean waters

Answer key explained

Right answer: Letter a.

The formation of acids occurs with an increase in the concentration of sulfur and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere. When coming into contact with water in the gaseous state, chemical reactions occur and, thus, the formation of acids.

7) Which of the options below best indicate the events that would occur with continued pollution of the atmosphere?

A) Increase in biodiversity and alkalization of the oceans

B) Reduction in biodiversity and ocean acidification

C) Increase in biodiversity and increase in ocean acidity

D) Reduction in biodiversity and decrease in ocean acidity

E) Change in biodiversity (mutations) and increase in ocean pH

Answer key explained

Right answer: Letter B.

With the continuation of atmospheric pollution, biodiversity could be greatly impacted, as the entire dynamics of life could change. As a result of the gases released, acid rain will form if released into existing bodies of water, leading to acidification.

8) In rural regions the main contributors to air pollution are:

A) Burning fossil fuels

B) Wool industries

C) Gas emissions from vehicles

D) Agriculture and livestock farming

E) Acid rain

Answer key explained

Right answer: Letter D.

In rural areas, agriculture and livestock farming contribute on a large scale to the emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere. For this reason, it is the main form of pollution in rural areas.

9) With the exponential increase in the emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere, a natural and positive phenomenon can be enhanced. The enhancement of this phenomenon can generate:

A) The sudden drop in temperature in the world

B) The sudden increase in temperature in the tropical zone

C) Greenhouse effect

D) Global warming

E) Glaciation

Answer key explained

Right answer: Letter D.

The natural phenomenon that is enhanced is the greenhouse effect. With the excess of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, little by little, the temperature gradually rises, producing, in the long term, the global warming.

10) What are Chlorobromocarbons (CFCs)? What are its main negative impacts?

A) Compounds naturally produced by life on Earth / None

B) Synthetic compounds produced in the chemical industry and released into water bodies / Pollution of water bodies

C) Chemical compounds widely used in refrigeration and propellants in aerosols / Sudden reduction in the ozone layer

D) Chemical compounds produced as metabolites of benthic organisms / Generates holes in the ozone layer

E) Compound produced by burning fossil fuels / produces an increase in the ozone layer

Answer key explained

Right answer: Letter C.

CFCs were widely used as it is stable and non-flammable. It helps maintain pressurization in aerosols and expel the product when the button is pressed. The same happens with refrigeration systems. CFCs evaporate to remove heat from the environment, when this occurs, they are compressed again and the cycle continues.

Although useful, it causes enormous damage to the ozone layer, drastically reducing it.

Bibliographic references

UZUNIAN, A.; BIRNER, E. Biology: single volume. 3rd ed. São Paulo: Harbra, 2008.

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