April commemorative dates

The month of April is full of important national and international celebrations.

Check out the most celebrated dates in april, whose month has a holiday, April 21 - Tiradentes Day:

  • April 1st: April Fools' Day
  • April 4th (moving date): Easter
  • April 7th: World Health Day
  • April 18th: National Children's Book Day
  • April 19th: Indian's day
  • April 21st: Tiradentes Day (National Holiday)
  • April 22nd: Discovery of Brazil

April 1st - April Fools' Day

The month of April begins with a commemoration that probably started in the beginning of the 19th century in Minas Gerais.

It all happened when a sensationalist newspaper called “A Lie” published, on April 1, 1848, that the Emperor Dom Pedro II had died (he would then have been 23 years old). D. Pedro II died in 1891 at the age of 66.

Easter, April 4th (moving date)

Easter celebrates Jesus' resurrection for Christians. Its origin is Jewish, as it was instituted by the Jews after their people were freed from slavery.

Easter Sunday ends Holy Week, in which the church recalls the events that preceded the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

World Health Day, April 7th

Celebrated on April 7, the world health day was created in 1948 by the WHO - World Health Organization, and brings with it the importance of health as a guarantee of quality of life.

According to the WHO “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity”.

National Children's Book Day, April 18

O National Children's Book Day it is also known as the "Day of Monteiro Lobato" because it is celebrated on the day of Lobato's birth, on April 18th. Lobato is the greatest representative of children's literature in Brazil.

The date was established by Law No. 10,402, of January 8, 2002.

Indian Day, April 19

O Indian's day, on April 19, is a date that aims to honor the roots of the Brazilian people, and above all, preserve the indigenous cultural heritage.

The commemoration was instituted by Decree-Law No. 5.540, of June 2, 1943.

Tiradentes Day (National Holiday), April 21

O Tiradentes Day was instituted by Law No. 4,897, of December 9, 1965, the same law that declares Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes, "patron of the Brazilian nation".

The date is a tribute to the national hero and recalls the day he was executed, on April 21, 1792.

Discovery of Brazil, April 22

The celebration of the day of Discovery of Brazil, on April 22, recalls the date on which the Portuguese landed in our country in 1500.

Although Brazil was already inhabited by millions of Indians at that time, officially, Brazil was discovered on April 22, 1500 by Pedro Álvares Cabral.

Other dates celebrated in April

Learn more about each of the dates celebrated in April:

World Autism Awareness Day, April 2nd

World Autism Awareness Day, April 2nd, is commemorated in accordance with United Nations Resolution A/RES/62/139 of 2007. main objective to raise awareness for early diagnosis, aiming at the development of individuals with autism.

International Children's Book Day, 2 April

The commemoration of the International Children's Book Day, April 2nd, is a tribute to Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), one of the best-known writers in children's literature. Stories such as The Little Soldier, The Little Mermaid, The King's New Clothes are tales of his authorship. Thus, the day of his birth was chosen to celebrate the children's book.

Community Sports Day, April 3rd

Community Sports Day, April 3, aims to enhance the importance of sport practiced in the community, providing cooperation, interaction and solidarity between people in a playful way.

National parkinsonian day, 4th of April

The goal of National Parkinsonian Day, April 4, is to make society aware of parkinson and especially about what can be done to improve the lives of people diagnosed with this disease, so that they can enjoy an independent and quality.

International day for mine awareness and assistance with demining, 4 April

The date was included in the calendar of the UN - United Nations, in April 4, and is intended to raise awareness of people with regard to mines, as well as the need to help disabled people who are victims of accidents with this type of explosives.

Telecommunications Day, April 5th

The day of telecommunications, April 5th, shows the importance of distance communication channels, and of all the mechanisms involved in carrying out the project, implementation, maintenance and control.

As of 2006, the date started to be commemorated together with the World Day of the Information Society, on May 17th.

International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, 6 April

celebrated on the day April 6th this date was established by the UN - United Nations, and aims to commemorate the promotion of peace between people through sports, showing how people can interact, without barriers, through the sport.

International day for reflection on the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, 7 April

The day April 7th recalls the massacre that killed 800,000 people over approximately 100 days in Rwanda, Africa. The occasion provides a moment of reflection on the event, thinking about the pain of the survivors, as well as encourages the international community to protect its populations from crimes against the humanity.

Journalist's Day, April 7th

Journalist's Day, April 7th, is a tribute to Giovanni Battista Libero Badaró (1798-1830), Italian journalist and doctor who fought for the independence of Brazil and was assassinated by political enemies on November 22, 1830. His death led to the deposition of D. Pedro I on April 7, 1831.

World Cancer Day, April 8

World Cancer Day, April 8th, aims to make people aware of the importance of acquiring healthy lifestyle habits, in order to prevent cancer — one of the diseases that most kills people in the world. The date was created by the UICC - International Union for the Control of Cancer.

National Braille Day, 8 April

The national day of the braille system, April 8th, is a tribute to José Álvares de Azevedo (1834-1854), the first blind teacher in Brazil, who was born on April 8, 1834. Sent to study in Paris at the age of 10, it was there that the future teacher learned the Braille technique, which he brought to Brazil on his return. José Álvares de Azevedo was known as "the patron of education for the blind in Brazil".

National Steel Day, April 9

National Steel Day, 9th April, recalls the importance of this metal, as it is used in various sectors, in addition to its economic importance, resulting from exports.

This date aims to honor CSN - Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, created on April 9, 1941. CSN is the largest steelmaker in Brazil and one of the largest in the world.

Military Engineering Day, April 10

The day April 10th pays tribute to the military engineer João Carlos de Villagran Cabrita (1820-1866), who on the 10th of April 1866 was assassinated with a cannon fire, while commanding the 1st Battalion of Engineers. João Carlos de Villagran Cabrita became the Patron of Weapon of Engineering.

Infectologist Day, April 11

11th of April it is the birth day of Emílio Ribas (1862-1925), the renowned sanitary doctor who discovered that yellow fever was transmitted through the bite of the Aedes Aegypti.

The date was established in 2005 by the SBI - Brazilian Society of Infectology.

Samba school day, April 11

Samba School Day is marked in 11th of April for this being the foundation day, in 1923, of the “Ouro sobre Azul” carnival block, by Paulo Benjamin de Oliveira, known as "Paulo da Portela". In 1935, the group gave rise to the Portela samba school.

Obstetrician's Day, April 12th

The day of the obstetrician, April 12th, pays tribute to the doctor responsible for monitoring the pregnancy of babies and births. It is possible that the origin of the date is related to Saint Zeno of Verona, patron saint of newborns, who died on April 12, 371.

International Day of Human Spaceflight, April 12

celebrated in April 12th, this date came with United Nations Resolution A/RES/65/271, 2007 and commemorates the first human spaceflight, which was performed by Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968) on April 12, 1961. Upon seeing the Earth from space, Gagarin said the phrase that became famous: "The Earth is blue".

Brazilian National Anthem Day, April 13

The National Day of the Brazilian Anthem, April 13th, remember the date on which D. Pedro I embarked for Portugal. The music was composed by Francisco Manuel da Silva, in 1822, while the lyrics were written by Joaquim Osório Duque Estrada, in 1909.

kiss day, april 13

Kiss Day is celebrated on the day April 13th. According to legend, a young Italian was known to have kissed every woman in the village where he lived in Italy. In order to confirm the truth, the priest promised a prize to the woman who had not been kissed by the young man. It was April 13, 1882, and no woman had appeared to claim the prize, so it remains hidden to this day.

World Coffee Day, April 14

celebrated in April 14th, the date recalls the most consumed beverage in the world: coffee. The commemoration aims to promote the coffee industry, as well as to honor all those involved.

Brazil, which is the largest coffee producer in the world, still celebrates National Coffee Day on May 24th.

Pan American Day, April 14

The Pan American Day, April 14th, was established by Decree No. 19,685, of February 10, 1931. The choice of April 14 refers to the date of the resolution that created the Pan American Union, and aims to celebrate all the republics of America as a community.

National Soil Conservation Day, 15 April

National Soil Conservation Day, April 15th, was established by Law No. 73876, of November 13, 1989, and is a tribute to the American Hugh Hammond Bennett (1881-1960), considered the "father of soil conservation". In Brazil, the creation of the date is an initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.

Child Disarmament Day, April 15

Children's Disarmament Day, April 15th, aims to promote reflection on the attitudes adopted by citizens that can lead to children using weapons as adults, such as games and toys, which trivialize violence.

World Voice Day, April 16

World Voice Day, April 16th, was established by Law No. 11.704, of June 18, 2008. This commemorative date aims to make people aware of voice care in order to prevent vocal problems, which can be signs of serious diseases, such as laryngeal cancer.

World Hemophilia Day, April 17

the celebration of the day April 17th was chosen in honor of the birth date of Frank Schnabel, founder of the World Federation of Hemophilia. Founded in 1963, the federation is a non-profit organization that aims to help people with bleeding disorders.

National Day of Struggle for Agrarian Reform, April 17

The day April 17th was established by Law No. 10,469, of June 25, 2002, and recalls the massacre of Eldorado do Carajás, in Pará, which took place on April 17, 1996. On that day, 19 rural workers from the Movimento dos Sem Terra were murdered by the military police.

National Botanical Day, April 17

The National Day of Botany, April 17th, was established by Decree No. 1147, of May 24, 1994, and is a tribute to Carl Friedrich Phillipp von Martius (1794-1868). The German botanist, known as Pai das Palmeiras, was born on April 17th and was a great explorer of Brazilian nature.

Brazilian Army Day, April 19

The date April 19th was instituted by Decree of March 24, 1994 to commemorate the Day of the Brazilian Army, because in this On that day, the 1st Battle of Guararapes took place in 1648, an occasion that symbolically marks the origin of the army Brazilian.

Diplomat's Day, April 20

Diplomat's Day, April 20th, created through Decree No. 66.217, of February 17, 1970, is a tribute to the Baron of Rio Branco, known as the "patron of Brazilian diplomacy".

José Maria da Silva Paranhos, the Baron of Rio Branco, was born on April 20, 1950. Among his contributions to the country, his participation in peace missions during the war in Paraguay stands out.

World Day for Creativity and Innovation, April 21

The World Day of Creativity and Innovation, April 21st, appears in the calendar of the UN - United Nations Organization. The celebration aims to encourage creation, highlighting its importance for a sustainable future.

For this reason, the celebration was purposefully chosen between Leonardo da Vinci's birthday, on April 15th, and Earth Day, on April 22nd.

International Earth Day, April 22

The goal of International Earth Day, April 22nd, is to make the population aware of the protection of the environment. The creation of the Earth's Day it emerged from a demonstration that took place on the same date, in 1970, led by an environmental activist in the United States of America.

World Book Day, April 23

World Book Day, April 23, is a tribute to great names in literature. This is the date of death of William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. In addition to the tribute, this commemorative date aims to awaken the habit of reading among people.

National Scouting Day, 23 April

National Scouting Day, April 23, was established by Law No. 13.621, of January 15, 2018. The date honors St. George, which is also celebrated on that day, as St. George died on April 23, 303 d. Ç.

Scouting founder Robert Baden-Powell was a Christian, so he probably chose this date as a way to honor the saint, who had been a Roman priest and soldier.

International Corn Day, 24th of April

The objective of creating the International Corn Day, April 24th, is to encourage the cultivation of this cereal, which is rich in nutritional qualities and brings benefits to man.

The commemorative date was established in 2015 through Law No. 13.101, of January 27th.

National Day of Brazilian Sign Language, 24 April

The National Day of Brazilian Sign Language, April 24th, celebrates the achievement of the deaf community by seeing LIBRAS recognized as the official language in Brazil.

April 24 is the date of Law 10,436, of the year 2002, which recognizes the Brazilian Sign Language, a visual-sign language used by the deaf, as a language.

Accounting Day, April 25

Accounting Day, April 25, is a tribute to João Lyra Tavares (1871-1930), who as a senator, endeavored to regularize the profession of accountants in Brazil, which is why he became known as the "accounting patron Brazilian".

International Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl Disaster, 26 April

The International Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl Disaster, April 26, recalls the biggest nuclear accident in history that occurred in Chernobyl, Ukraine, on April 26, 1986. Three decades later, the city remains abandoned, given the high risk of radioactive contamination.

The International Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl disaster was included in the calendar of the UN - United Nations Organization.

Maid's Day, April 27

Maid's Day, April 27th, is celebrated on the same date as Santa Zita, patroness of maids.

Coming from a very poor family, Zita was taken to a family home to work as a maid when she was just 12 years old, and she died on April 27, 1272.

National Day of the Caatinga, April 28

The National Day of the Caatinga, April 28th, aims to make people aware of the importance of this biome, which is unique to Brazil. It is a tribute to João Vasconcelos Sobrinho, one of the greatest ecology scholars in Latin America. João Vasconcelos Sobrinho was born on April 28, 1908.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work, April 28

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work, April 28th, is celebrated in memory of people who are victims of illnesses and accidents at work. The choice of date stems from the explosion of a mine in the United States that killed 78 miners on April 28, 1969, having been instituted by the International Labor Organization (ILO). In Brazil, the date was fixed by Law No. 11,121, of May 25, 2005.

Day in memory of all victims of chemical weapons, April 29

remembered on the day April 29th, the date was included in the calendar of the UN - United Nations in order to pay homage to the people who died in chemical wars, as well as to reflect on the importance of eliminating non-weapons. conventional ones.

International Dance Day, April 29

International Dance Day, April 29th, created in 1982 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), is a tribute to the dancer and ballet teacher Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810). Considered a master of dance, Jean-Georges Noverre was born on April 29, 1727.

National Women's Day, April 30

National Women's Day, April 30th, is a tribute to all women. In addition, the date is a way of reflecting on respect, rights, the fight against sexism and all the difficulties faced by women in their daily lives.

Railroader's Day, April 30th

Railroader's Day, April 30th, celebrates the Brazilian railways, as well as the professionals who work on them. The date recalls the inauguration on April 30, 1854, of the first railway in Brazil, the Estrada de Ferro Petrópolis.

Commemorations of each day in April

April 1st: April Fools' Day

April 2nd: World Autism Awareness Day and International Children's Book Day

April 3: Community Sports Day

April 4: National Parkinson's Day and International Mine Awareness and Demining Assistance Day

April 5th: Telecommunications Day

April 6th: International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

April 7th: World Health Day and International Day to Reflect on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and Journalist's Day

April 8th: World Cancer Day and National Braille Day

9th April: National Steel Day

April 10th: Military Engineering Day

11th of April: Infectologist Day and Samba School Day

April 12th: Obstetrician Day and International Day of Human Spaceflight

April 13th: Brazilian National Anthem Day and Kiss Day

April 14th: World Coffee Day and Pan American Day

April 15th: National Soil Conservation Day and Children's Disarmament Day

April 16th: World Voice Day

April 17th: World Hemophilia Day, National Day of Struggle for Agrarian Reform and National Botany Day

April 18th: National Children's Book Day

April 19th: Indian Day and Brazilian Army Day

April 20th: diplomat's day

April 21st: Tiradentes Day (National Holiday) and World Day of Creativity and Innovation

April 22nd: Discovery of Brazil and International Earth Day

April 23: World Book Day and National Scouting Day

April 24th: International Corn Day and National Day of the Brazilian Sign Language

April 25: Accounting day

April 26: International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day

April 27th: maid's day

April 28th: National Day of the Caatinga and World Day for Safety and Health at Work

April 29th: Day in memory of all victims of chemical weapons and International Dance Day

April 30th: National Women's Day and Railways Day

Mobile date: Easter (always on a Sunday, between March 22nd and April 5th)

You may be interested in:

  • Easter story
  • Origin of Easter
  • Jewish Passover
  • Easter symbols

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