October commemorative dates

October is the tenth month of the year. Month of the holiday of Our Lady of Aparecida - Patron Saint of Brazil, on the 12th. Children's Day is also celebrated on the same day.

Below is the list of commemorative dates for October.

October 1st

International Music Day

The day was instituted in 1975 by UNESCO as a way of promoting peace among peoples through music.

International Day of Older People

The date was created by the UN in 1991 and is intended to stimulate discussions about the rights of older people around the world.

In Brazil, Law No. 10,741, of October 1, 2003 - Statute for the Elderly - represented a major advance in the guarantees of the group's rights.

It is also celebrated:

  • Salesman day
  • Councilor's Day
  • Saint Teresa's Day

October 2nd

International Day of Nonviolence

The UN established the birth day of activist and pacifist Mahatma Gandhi (1867) to promote education for a culture of non-violence and respect for human rights.

The Guardian Angel Day.

October 3rd

World Dentist Day

The date was created as a way of raising awareness of the importance of oral health. It is celebrated on the opening day of the first course in dentistry in 1840, in Baltimore, in the United States of America.

The bee day.

October 4th

St. Francis of Assisi Day

St. Francis of Assisi was the founder of the order of Franciscan priests, a current of the Catholic Church that abdicates material goods as a form of devotion. Pope Francis chose this day to honor the saint.

He died on October 4, 1226 in Assisi, Italy. And, as he is recognized as the patron saint of animals and nature, on his day these two events are also celebrated.

It is also celebrated:

  • animal day
  • dog day
  • nature day
  • Community Health Agent Day

October 5th

National Micro and Small Business Day

Commemorative date of the enactment of Law No. 9,841, of October 5, 1999, Statute of Microenterprise and Small Business.

The St. Benedict's Day.

October 6th

St. Bruno's Day

St. Bruno died on October 6, 1101. He was adviser to Pope Urban II and founder of the Carthusian Order.

The Technologist's Day.

October 7th

Brazilian Composer Day

The date was created in 1948 by composer Herivelto Martins as a tribute to the professional creators of Brazilian music.

october 8th

Northeastern Day

October 8th is a commemoration date in honor of the cultural diversity of the northeast region of the country.

For this, the day of the birth of the poet Patativa do Assaré, a great representative of Northeastern popular culture, was chosen.

October 9th

Athletics Day

The date is intended to encourage the practice of sport.

It is also celebrated:

  • Support Analyst Day
  • Consortium Professional Day

October 10th

World Mental Health Day

The day was instituted in 1992 by the World Federation of Mental Health. The date seeks to stimulate debate on practices related to mental health.

National Day to Fight Violence against Women

October 10th, since 1980, has been a day of debates about violence against women. The date aims to combat all types of violence directed at women, especially cases of femicide.

October 11th

International Girl's Day

Established by the UN in 2012, the date aims to broaden the debate on issues relevant to the rights of adolescent girls and women.

National Obesity Prevention Day

Since 2008, the date has been used to promote the fight against obesity and warn of health risks.

October 12th

Day of the Patron Saint, Our Lady of Aparecida

The day of the apparition of the image of Our Lady of Aparecida. According to reports, fishermen found the image of Nossa Senhora da Conceição in a river. After this event, a period of prosperity ensued.

This prosperity was attributed to the appearance of the saint. A chapel was built, which became the target of pilgrimages for devotees of Nossa Senhora Aparecida.

In 1930, the saint was proclaimed patron saint of Brazil, and in 1980 the 12th of October was declared a national holiday.

Children's Day

O Children's Day, in Brazil, is celebrated on October 12th, initially, as a way to promote actions on the rights of children and adolescents.

In 1924, a decree made October 12 official the Children's Day in Brazil.

It is also celebrated:

  • Agricultural Engineer Day
  • Insurance Broker Day
  • National Reading Day
  • discovery of america
  • Pediatric Surgeon Day
  • sea ​​day

October 13

National Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist Day

The physiotherapist's day was established by Law No. 13,084, of January 8th.

The date appears in the official Brazilian calendar as a way to value these health professionals.

October 14

National Meteorologist Day

Since 2004, the 14th of October is the meteorologist's day. Previously, the celebration took place on March 23 (World Meteorologist Day).

The change occurred by decision of the Brazilian Society of Meteorology (SBMET), associating the festivity with the day of the regulation of the profession in the country, which happened through Law No. 6835, of October 14, 1980.

October 15th

Teacher's Day

On October 15, 1827, Dom Pedro I decreed the creation of the Escola de Primeiras Letras, instituting basic education in the country.

Decree No. 52,682, of October 14, 1963, made the October 15th official, Teacher's Day as a national school holiday.

The World Handwashing Day.

October 16th

World Food Day

Since 1981, the world food day it is used as a way to promote debate on issues related to this theme: food production and consumption, waste, food safety, sustainability, etc.

It is also celebrated:

  • St. Gerard's Day
  • Chief's Day
  • Anesthesiologist Day

October 17th

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

In 1992, the UN declared October 17th as a day to promote debates and programs for the eradication of poverty around the world.

National Vaccination Day

The Ministry of Health created the National Vaccine Day as a way to alert people to the importance of vaccines in preventing diseases. This measure opposes groups commonly called anti-vaccine groups.

It is also celebrated:

  • Brazilian Popular Music Day
  • Agriculture Day
  • Electrician's Day
  • Brazilian Aeronautical Industry Day
  • Advertising Professional's Day

october 18th

St. Luke's Day

On October 18th, St. Luke the Evangelist Day is celebrated. According to Christian tradition, Saint Luke was a doctor and painter, so he became the patron of these two professionals.

On behalf of its patron, on October 18th is also celebrated:

  • Doctor's Day
  • painter's day

October 19th

night guard day

The Night Guard Day is celebrated on October 19 as it is the day of the patron saint of the profession, São Pedro de Alcântara.

It is also celebrated:

  • National Innovation Day
  • Insurance day
  • Information Technology Professional Day

October 20th

machinist's day

Machinist's Day or National Railway Driver's Day is an official date published in Law No. 12.621, of May 8, 2012.

October 20th was chosen in honor of the foundation of the São Paulo Machinist and Railroad Workers Association (AMAFER), inaugurated on October 20th, 1907.

It is also celebrated:

  • Archivist's Day
  • World Air Traffic Controller Day
  • World Statistics Day
  • World Osteoporosis Day
  • Poet's day

October 21st

National School Food Day

The date is intended to draw attention to the importance of healthy eating in schools across the country.

Allied to the National School Feeding Program (PNAE), the date aims to develop eating habits healthy in children and young people as a way to contribute to cognitive development and to avoid obesity childish.

It is also celebrated:

  • Day of Ecumenism
  • Podcast Day

October, 22

Parachutist's Day

Parachutist Day is a tribute to parachuting practitioners in Brazil. The date chosen is the day that Andre-Jacques Garnerin jumped from a balloon in Paris, on October 22, 1797, being considered the first skydiver in history.

  • Winemaker's Day
  • International Day for Attention to Stuttering

October, 23

aviator's day

It was on October 23, 1906, in Paris, that Santos Dumont flew for the first time with his 14 BIS.

As a way to mark and celebrate this date, in Brazil, the day was declared Aviator's Day.

The Brazilian Air Force Day.

October 24th

United Nations Day

Since 1948, the date has been commemorated as a reminder of the publication of the United Nations Charter by the UN, on October 24, 1945.

The date aims to draw attention to the work carried out by the entity and the importance of integration between peoples.

25 october

dentist's day

The day was created to commemorate Decree No. 9311, of October 25, 1884, which created the first undergraduate courses in Dentistry in the country.

It is also celebrated:

  • Saint Crispin and Saint Crispinian Day
  • Day of Saint Frei Galvão
  • Shoemaker's Day
  • National Oral Health Day
  • Civil Engineer Day
  • National Day to Combat Prejudice against People with Stunting
  • National Noodle Day

October 26th

Civil Construction Worker's Day

Civil Construction Worker's Day is celebrated on October 26, two days before the day of São Judas Tadeu, patron of the profession.

October 27th

National Day of Pro-Health Mobilization of the Black Population

The date created in 2006 aims to promote, on October 27th, several activities integrating black movement organizations and sectors of the public power.

These activities are focused on issues related to racism and ethnic-racial inequality that directly affect the health of the country's black population.

The National Day to Fight for the Rights of People with Sickle Cell Diseases.

October 28th

Public Servant's Day

On this day is commemorated the date of the enactment of Decree-Law No. 1713, of October 28, 1939, which created the laws governing the rights and duties of public servants.

The day is treated as an optional point in many sectors of the civil service across the country.

It is also celebrated:

  • Day of Saint Jude Thaddeus
  • Flamengo's Day

October 29th

National Book Day

The date commemorates the foundation of the National Library of Brazil in 1810, by D. John VI.

The date is used to encourage reading in the country.

It is also celebrated:

  • World Psoriasis Day
  • World Stroke Day

October 30th

Commerce worker Day

The date was chosen to celebrate Decree-Law No. 4,042, of October 29, 1932, published the following day, October 30, October, which instituted the limit of eight hours of daily work for commercial workers and paid rest to Sundays.

In Rio de Janeiro, commerce day is a moving date, which occurs on the third Monday of the month of October.

It is also celebrated:

  • Gynecologist day
  • Bodybuilder Day
  • Clerk's Day
  • Decoration Day
  • School lunch day
  • National Day to Fight Rheumatism

October 31st

Halloween (Halloween)

O Halloween is an Anglo-Saxon tradition, based on the belief that the end of summer (in the northern hemisphere) was a time of contact between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

The festivity, of pagan origin, became popular and is nowadays celebrated all over the world.

Read too: Halloween's History

Protestant Reformation Day

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther published his 95 Theses, which foresaw a reform of the Catholic Church. Luther's theses were not accepted and he ended up excommunicated in 1920, founding a new Christian current.

Protestantism and the Lutheran Church were born.

Nowadays, some religious currents, influenced by the Protestant Reformation, commemorate the date on the last Sunday of October.

It is also celebrated:

  • Saci's Day
  • National Poetry Day
  • World Savings Day
  • Housewife's Day

Moving dates

  • World Smile Day (first Friday of October)
  • World Habitat Day (first Monday in October)

See too:

  • November commemorative dates
  • December commemorative dates
  • September commemorative dates
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