Difference between language and language: understand at once!

Language is every form that human beings use to communicate. Language includes language which, in turn, is a system agreed upon by men and used by groups.

One of these conventional systems is Grammar, that is, the rules that establish the use of a language.


language examples
Dance, signposts and traffic lights are examples of language
Young people communicating in Libras
The Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) is an official language, as are Portuguese and Spanish, for example.

Therefore, the difference between language and language é:

  • Language is an organized set of elements developed by humans and common to a group. For example: people who speak French or those who have learned to communicate in Libras.
  • Language, in turn, is any form of expression. For example: dance, image, music.

Language Types

You can already see that there are different types of language, right? For you to be an expert on the subject, let's explain each one of them. Check out!

Verbal and non-verbal language

Verbal language is one that uses words to convey a message.


person writing letter
The letter is an example of verbal language

Non-verbal language is one that uses images, signs, gestures, among others, to convey a message.


Paintings are examples of non-verbal language. In the image, Guernica (1937), by Pablo Picasso

Mixed Language

Mixed language, in turn, is a combination of verbal and non-verbal languages, that is, in addition to words, it makes use of visual resources.


Cartoons combine images and words, so they are examples of mixed language

What is speech?

Speech, in turn, is an oral language that, in addition, uses language to manifest itself. For example, people speak Portuguese, English, Spanish, among many other languages.

Depending on the context of your speakers, different speech levels:

  • Colloquial speech: used in informal situations, therefore, common in the daily lives of speakers, whose vocabulary can be simpler and marked by slang.
  • Cultured speech: used in formal situations, vocabulary is more polished.

Don't stop here! There are more texts very useful for you:

  • LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language)
  • language functions
  • linguistic variations
  • Exercises on linguistic variations
  • Formal and informal language
  • colloquial language

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