Agglutination: definition and examples

Agglutination is a word that means union, mixture, combination or fusion. It can be used to express the union of objects, words, people and so on.

The term is also applied to the study of Portuguese Language and Biology.

Agglutination in Portuguese Language

In the study of the Portuguese language, agglutination refers to a word formation process. In this composition process, there is the joining of two or more words that give rise to a new term.

When agglutination occurs, the words undergo changes in their forming elements, and there may be loss or exchange of elements. The newly formed word has only a tonic accent and has a different meaning of the words used in the process of composition by agglutination.

Check out some examples of agglutination:

  • water + burning = brandy
  • of this + art = thus
  • flat + high = plateau
  • in + good + time = though

Agglutination and juxtaposition

Juxtaposition, like agglutination, is a process of word composition. The difference is that in the juxtaposition there is no exchange or loss of the elements that form the words, which just remain united,

without suffering changes in sound, accent or even in the form of writing.

Note these examples of juxtaposition:

  • spin + sun = sunflower
  • pass + time = hobby
  • cabbage + flower = cauliflower
  • tip + foot = kick

Also read about another word formation process: neologism.

Agglutination in Biology

In the field of Biology, the term agglutination refers to a reaction that occurs in the body. Agglutinin, an antibody found in blood plasma, reacts when it comes into contact with antigens or agglutinogens (molecules present in the body), which exist in red blood cells (Red Cells).

The antibody binds to the antigen, modifying its initial state and appearance. Agglutination can happen in different ways, depending on the type of antigen (agglutinogen) that comes in contact with the antibodies.

This process is used to identify, for example, which type of bacteria or fungus is present in a person's body. It can also be used to identify an individual's blood type and RH factor.

Identification of blood type and RH factor

The agglutination reaction to find the blood type is done by contacting, in a test, the analyzed blood with a solution containing RH antibodies. Depending on the reaction observed, the results will be determined.

For the HR factor, two situations can occur:

  • If agglutination occurs, the factor HR is positive.
  • If agglutination does not occur, the factor HR is negative.

Learn more about Rh factor.

As for the identification of the blood type, the reactions observed are as follows:

  • Type A red blood cells react to those of group B.
  • Type B red blood cells react to group A.
  • Type AB red blood cells react to those of groups A and B.
  • Type O red blood cells do not react.

To learn more, read also the meanings of antibodies and Red Cells.

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