Synonyms and antonyms: concept, difference and examples

Synonym is a word that has the similar meaning the other and antonym is a word that has opposite meaning the other.

The difference between synonyms and antonyms is the meaning of the words when compared: in synonyms they are approximated and in antonyms they are opposites.

Let's know a little more about each of them:


A synonym can be a word or expression that has the meaning equivalent to another, which can be the same or similar. Synonyms, due to the correspondence of their meaning, can be substituted without altering the meaning that is intended to be expressed.

See this example of proper replacement of synonyms in a sentence:

With the start of the works, traffic in that region was modified.
With the start of the works, traffic in that region was changed.

Synonyms and different meanings

Care must be taken when replacing synonymous expressions because, depending on the application and the context, words can take on different meanings and can alter the sentence.

To better understand, look at the example:

the boss intends increase the company's earnings. (increase = raise)
the boss intends insert the company's earnings. (insert = add)

The words increase and insert can be synonymous in many situations. But, in the case presented, they do not have the same meaning and therefore change the meaning of the sentence.

Synonyms and Word Repetition

The use of synonyms is very efficient to prevent the use of the same word leaving a repetitive text. Look:

When she arrived at the airport, she realized that the airplane was not on the track. Soon, the beep indicated that the airplane had technical problems.

When she arrived at the airport, she realized that the airplane was not on the track. Soon, the beep indicated that the aircraft had technical problems.

Examples of synonyms

See a list with some examples of synonymous words:

  • Purpose and purpose;
  • Important and significant;
  • Wisdom and wisdom;
  • Occupation and craft;
  • Smart and shrewd;
  • Clear and target;
  • Die and die;
  • Bulky and stout;
  • Prohibition and impediment;
  • Punish and punish;
  • Disease and illness.

Read more about the meaning of synonym.


Antonyms are expressions or words that have the opposite meaning when compared to another. In this case, if they are replaced, they cause a change in the initial sense, expressing an idea contrary to the previous one.

See how replacing antonyms changes the meaning of a sentence:

she arrived at school with lots of willingness to study.
she arrived at school with few willingness to study.

Examples of Antonyms

Know some antonyms:

  • Happy and sad;
  • Benefit and harm;
  • outgoing and shy;
  • Calm and anxious;
  • Excess and scarcity;
  • Build and demolish;
  • Fast forward and late;
  • Laconic and wordy;
  • Respect and disrespect;
  • Included and excluded;
  • Perpetual and ephemeral.

Also read about antonym.

Synonymy and antonymy

Synonymy refers to the relationship of proximity of meanings that exists between synonymous words. Antonymy, on the other hand, refers to the relationship of opposition of meanings that exists between antonyms.

Both synonymy and antonymy are studied by semantics, which is the part of grammar that explores and interprets the meaning of words.

See also the meaning of semantics and read about words that have many meanings: polysemy.

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