Sequential Cohesion: What It Is, Examples and Exercises

Sequential cohesion is a resource that collaborates with textual evolution by pointing out the passage of time.

It is a cohesive mechanism that takes place through verbal and connective markers which indicate this progression throughout the text.

In this way, sequential cohesion collaborates with the textual structure as it helps in the articulation of words and phrases within a text. In turn, if not used correctly, it will impair the understanding of the text.

In addition to sequential cohesion, we have the "referential cohesion" that takes place through textual elements called "referents". These are taken up in the text and, like the sequential, it collaborates with the articulation of sentences and paragraphs.


To better understand the concept of sequential cohesion, read the excerpt below extracted from the work the tenement by Aluisio Azevedo.

"João Romão was, from the age of thirteen to twenty-five, employed by a vendor who got rich between the four walls of a dirty and obscure tavern in the slums of the Botafogo neighborhood; and so much

saved of the little that won in this dozen years, that by the withdraw the landlord left him, in payment of overdue wages, not only the sale with what was inside, as still a thousand and five hundred in cash. Owner and established on account of him, the boy threw himself to toil even more fervently, owning from such a delusion to get rich, that affronted resigned to the hardest deprivations. slept on the counter of the sale itself, on a mat, making a pillow out of a straw-filled burlap sack."

In this case, this evolution in the narrative is characterized by verbal markers that determine the passage of time in the text.

João Romão was... got rich... saved... won... retire... was... established... he threw himself... owning... affronted... slept...

For this reason, sequential cohesion is the element that organizes the facts of time in the text. And, as it is done by verbal markers, it is established by the conjugations in the past perfect, past tense more-than-perfect and the past tense imperfect of the indicative.

Sequential cohesion also works with the use of connectives. Without it, the text is not linear and the message may not be understood.

"However, beside him, the black girl was snoring, blown away, fat, banged up for service, reeking of a mixture of sweat, raw onion and rotten fat. But João Romão didn't even notice her; just what he saw and he felt was all that voluptuous inaccessible world coming down to the earth, coming into his reach, slowly, growing stronger."

"There was a silence, in which the bastard seemed to extract from within a sentence that, However, was the only idea that led him to address the woman. in the end, after scratching his head more vigorously, he stammered in a voice strangled with sobs: "

In the excerpts above, also taken from the work the tenement, we notice the presence of several connectives that allow the sequence of ideas in the text. This connection occurs through the use of conjunctions, adverbs and pronouns.

The terms "nevertheless", "but" and "however" establish a relationship of opposition and aim to oppose ideas or concepts in a period.

Already the "e" establishes a relationship of addition as it adds something to the text. Finally, the term "after all" indicates a relationship of temporality where the objective is to place the reader in the succession of events or ideas.

Commented exercises

1. Read the excerpt from the song "be for me" by the musical group Maneva:

"be for me what you want
as long as be my love
I'm coming to get you, but I'm going on foot
Pin your hair because it's hot

The highlighted terms establish a relationship of:

a) condition and opposition
b) contrast and conclusion
c) cause and consequence
d) intention and continuation
e) doubt and condition

Alternative a) condition and opposition

The term "provided that" is a conditional conjunction used in circumstantial situations in a way that indicates hypotheses for a future situation.

The term "but" establishes an oppositional relationship that aims to contrast ideas in a sentence.

2. Read the excerpt from the work "Dom Casmurro" by Machado de Assis, and indicate the verbal markers that help in the sequential cohesion of the narrative:

"One night, coming from the city to Engenho Novo, I met a boy from the neighborhood on a train at Central, whom I know by sight and with a hat. He greeted me, sat down beside me, spoke of the moon and the ministers, and ended up reciting verses to me."

The verbal markers that indicate the sequence of ideas in the excerpt are: I found it, greeted me, sat down, spoke.

He fell on Enem!


Cultivating a healthy lifestyle is extremely important to reduce the risk of a heart attack, but also of problems such as sudden death and stroke. It means that maintaining a healthy diet and practicing regular physical activity already reduces, by itself, the chances of developing various problems. It is also important for controlling blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose levels. It also helps to reduce stress and increase physical capacity, factors that, together, reduce the chances of a heart attack. Exercising, in these cases, with medical supervision and moderation, is highly recommended.

ATALIA, M. Our life. Era. March 23 2009.

The ideas conveyed in the text are organized by establishing relationships that act in the construction of meaning. In this regard, it is identified, in the fragment, that

a) the expression “Furthermore” marks a sequencing of ideas.
b) the connective “but also” initiates a sentence that expresses the idea of ​​contrast.
c) the term “how” in “like sudden death and stroke” introduces a generalization.
d) the term “Also” expresses a justification.
e) the term “factors” cohesively includes “cholesterol and blood glucose levels”.

Alternative a) the expression “Furthermore” marks a sequencing of ideas.

Don't stop there. There are more texts very useful for you:

  • Cohesion and Coherence
  • Textual Cohesion
  • Referential Cohesion
  • Textual Coherence
  • Writing connectors: list and types
  • 12 connectives to complete your essay (with examples)
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