Slurry is a dark liquid that results from the decomposition of organic matter in waste.
It has a strong and unpleasant smell, being responsible for polluting the soil, groundwater and rivers.
The slurry is also known as percolating liquid or leached.
The composition of the slurry consists of organic matter, heavy metals, toxic substances and human and animal excreta. Among the toxic substances are cadmium, arsenic, copper, mercury, cobalt and lead.

The slurry is formed by the decomposition of organic waste
The composition and amount of the slurry produced also varies depending on the environment and conditions in which it is formed. This will also determine its polluting power.
Causes and Formation of Slurry
Currently, slurry is an environmental problem that causes soil and water pollution.
The speed of urban population growth and the stimulus given to consumerism increase the production of garbage, contributing to the formation of leachate.
Garbage does not always go to the right destination. In open-air garbage dumps, garbage accumulates under the ground without receiving any type of treatment or protection.
The accumulation of garbage in the soil brings a series of problems not only for the ecosystem, but also for society.
The formation of slurry is the result of bacterial decomposition of organic matter. In addition to generating a typical bad smell, it infiltrates the soil, contaminating the water table and rivers.
know more about organic waste.
Slurry Treatment
O landfill is a system used in urban areas for depositing solid waste in the smallest possible area and reducing it to the smallest volume.
In it, garbage is deposited in layers that are compacted by tractors and covered with earth. The landfill has an impermeable soil and a drainage system to capture the leachate and take it to the equalization tank. The purpose is to retain heavy metals and then enter the biodegradation process.
In the tank, decantation takes place, the heavier materials have accumulated at the bottom, forming a layer of sludge. The liquid above, if it is already in compliance with environmental laws, may be destined for rivers.
The slurry that has accumulated can be used for the production of biogas or as a fertilizer in composters.

Landfill leachate treatment
O necroslurry it is a type of leachate resulting from the decomposition of corpses in cemeteries. It can also contaminate soil and groundwater. A 70 kg adult corpse can release up to 30 liters of necroscent during the body's putrefaction process.
Read more about Ground pollution and Water pollution.