Semantic value: prepositions and conjunctions

Semantic value is the meaning attributed to words according to their context.

Often the same words have different meanings. Let's look at the examples:

  1. He had a neighbor who was a snake!
  2. The caretaker found a snake on the site.

The word snake used in the two examples differs in meaning. In the first of them, the person is not happy with the neighbor, who according to her is a bad person, whose coexistence is difficult. In the second, the word has the literal meaning, that is, of a reptile.

In the case of prepositions and conjunctions, the same word can also have different values. That is why, although some of them are more frequent in a given type, their semantic value can only be verified through the relationship established in a given context.

Semantic value of prepositions

  • Subject matter: The book deals in cooking.
  • Cause: With shaved, got a job.
  • Company: If to go with you I will.
  • Conformity: I delivered everything like he asked.
  • Distance: THE a few meters you find the bakery.
  • Goal: Arrive early for not miss the bus.
  • Instrument: With what did you get hurt
  • Place: Moved for the Germany.
  • Matter: I made cake in chocolate.
  • Quite: I spoke to her per telephone.
  • Mode: Does everything with disposition.
  • Opposition: acted against my will.
  • Origin: In where are you from?
  • Possession: This book is gives library?
  • Time: I'm going to retire per contribution time.

Learn more about the topic:

  • Preposition
  • preposition exercises

Semantic value of conjunctions

  • Addition: I walked and I rested.
  • Adversity: I do everything and I don't see anything ready.
  • Alternative: Now studied, now pretended to study.
  • Cause: Like I'm sick, I'm not going to the party.
  • Comparation: come on like the mother.
  • Concession: I'm going to the beach, and it's raining.
  • Conclusion: Didn't sleep at home why the bed is made.
  • Condition: if resolve to go, call.
  • Conformity: I do everything like he wants.
  • Consequence: You move, and I shoot.
  • Explanation: Stay, because she will need help.
  • Goal: I make the cake and I take it at the time of Congratulations.
  • Proportion: so much more does, so much less it's recognized.
  • Time: When the teacher arrives, I put the phone away.


  • Conjunction
  • Semantics
  • Connectives

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