Types of Rainfall: orographic, convective and frontal

At rains they are water precipitations that evaporate from sunlight and heat.

They occur by the formation of clouds (water droplets suspended in the air), which condense, generating precipitation.


Basically, there are three types of rain: orographic, convective and frontal.


According to the relief and climate of the regions where rainfall occurs, rainfall is classified into three types:

Orographic Rains

Orographic rains

Called "relief rain", this type of precipitation occurs when there is an impediment (be it mountains, mountains or cliffs) that blocks the humid air mass.

This results in the elevation of the rains that fall soon after. In Brazil, this type of rain is very common on the coast, for example, in Serra Mar.

Convective Rains

convective rain

Due to high temperatures, this type of rain usually falls in the afternoons. They are quick rains that can be followed by thunderstorms.

They usually occur in southeastern Brazil during summer afternoons and are therefore popularly called “summer rains”.

Front showers

front showers

It gets its name because the masses of hot air and cold air collide head-on.

Thus, hot air rises, due to its lower density, and cold air remains below, as it is heavier.

This results in precipitation of rain after the rise of cold air. When it reaches higher altitudes, it will cool and condense.

Front showers are also called "cyclonic rains". They have the characteristic of being of moderate intensity, however, of longer duration, which differs from convective rains.

Hail and Snow

Hail and snow are other types of precipitation that have different water states.

Snow precipitates by flakes (crystals) of ice and hail by ice boulders.

O hail it is formed above clouds in the cooler layers of the atmosphere. Snow, on the other hand, occurs when the temperature reaches 0°.

Read too:

  • Water
  • water cycle
  • Physical States of Water
  • The Importance of Water
  • Acid rain
  • Cloud Types


Rain gauge is the name given to the instrument that measures the amount of rain, snow or hail that falls. It is widely used by meteorological experts.

Thus, rainfall indicates the amount of rainfall in the place. As an example, we can mention the city of São Paulo, where there is a high level of rainfall. For this reason, it is known as the “Land of the Drizzle”.

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