Natural and Modified Landscape

Landscape is everything I can capture with the five senses, especially sight.

Landscapes can be natural or humanized.

Natural landscape

Natural landscape is synonymous with nature. This type of landscape does not undergo anthropic modification, that is, through human intervention.

It undergoes modifications through the action of natural agents, such as temperature variation, rain and wind, for example.

Natural and Humanized Landscapewaterfalls of Iguaçu

Humanized Landscape

In some cases, nature may be absent from the humanized landscape. This is also called the modified landscape or artificial. This occurs as a result of human action.

There are cases where nature can exist with a modified, transformed or often deteriorated or deformed aspect.

Natural and Humanized LandscapeSao Paulo City

Why humanize the landscape?

The landscape of our country is very different from that at the time of its discovery, when the Indians were the only inhabitants.

To satisfy human tendencies or needs, due to the arrival of new inhabitants, man had to intervene by building houses.

With the demographic growth, not only houses but other properties needed to be built and, with the development of Brazil, roads, bridges and tunnels began to appear.

Learn more about the topic by reading the articles:

  • Urbanization
  • Urbanization in Brazil
  • Demographic density
  • Demographic Theories

As we see the action of humanizing the landscape is necessary. Infrastructures are created with the objective of conveniently serving the social, economic and tourist sectors.

The question that arises, however, is its occurrence in an unbridled manner and without respect for the environment.

Understand better about the differences between the Rural and Urban Areas.


Without forgetting the benefits that man obtains from the humanization of the landscape, there are serious consequences resulting from his lack of planning and total disregard for the environment.

In favelas, for example, the danger of collapsing at heights of heavy rain can be a result of high population density.

Learn more about the process of Slums in Brazil.

Among other problems, the lack of sanitation in these places is one of the factors that lead to water pollution.

Deforestation with the aim of opening up space for agricultural areas can result in the extinction of species and, among others, increase pollution.

How about finding out more about the Environmental impacts?

And the Cultural Landscape. What is?

Since culture is the set of habits and social practices of a group, geographic spaces change following the cultural trend.

Hence another concept of landscape (a cultural landscape), whose aspect conveys the culture of a particular society. Note that the cultural landscape is also a modified or humanized type of landscape.

Complement your research by reading the article: What is Culture?

Indigenous villages are an easy way to understand what the cultural landscape consists of.

Natural and Humanized Landscape Indigenous village

See also:

  • Geographic space
  • Natural landscape and cultural landscape
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