Lose or lose: when to use?

Miss is a verb, while loss is a noun.

Misuse of loss or loss is one of the most frequent mistakes in Portuguese. This is because these words are paronyms, which means that they are both similar in spelling and pronunciation, but have different meanings.

If both words exist, how do I know when to use each one? Think about its meaning and check out the examples:

1) Wasting or wasting time

  • Don't waste your time with this!
  • You will see what a waste of time this is.

2) Lose or lose weight

  • If you don't lose weight, we're going to have to be stricter with your diet.
  • Search for something that can help you with weight loss.

3) Loss or loss of memory

  • May I lose my memory, except my family.
  • There are several diseases that can cause memory loss.

4) Lose or lose a loved one

  • May he lose her when there is no other way out.
  • Losing someone is very painful.

5) Feeling of loss or loss

  • Lose that feeling that only hurts you.
  • Nobody knows how to handle the feeling of loss well.

6) Loss or loss of material

  • Don't miss the books!
  • The loss of this material would be irreparable.

7) Total loss or total loss

  • The insurer considered the total loss of the vehicle.
  • You'd better lose all interest in this guy.

8) Loss of rights or loss of rights

  • I hope she loses her political rights.
  • Is the loss of political rights constitutional?

The same happens with the words losses and bass:

  • Food losses are a challenge for society.
  • I hope you lose the game.


1. Indicate the prayers where loss or loss was used incorrectly and correct.

a) It meant a great loss to society.
b) Don't lose your mind about it.
c) This is not a reason for loss of control.
d) I don't waste time with this!
e) Your weight loss is a waste of time.

a) It meant a great loss to society.
e) Your weight loss is a waste of time.

Test your knowledge further in Spelling Exercises

2. Rewrite the text substituting the correct form when necessary.

"According to the researcher, increasing agricultural production without reducing losses, is not one of the solutions. "If we produce 1,000 tons and the losses are 30%, we throw away 300 tons. If we double production to 2000 tons and continue with the same index, the value will also double to 600 tons. In this way, the correct thing is to reduce the bass first and then think about increasing production capacity," he reinforces." (Text source without errors: Portal Brasil with information from Embrapa, TV NBR and the United Nations Food Organization and Agriculture)

“According to the researcher, increasing agricultural production without reducing losses is not one of the solutions. “If we produce 1,000 tons and the losses are 30%, we throw away 300 tons. If we double production to 2000 tons and continue with the same index, the value will also double to 600 tons. In this way, the correct thing is to reduce the losses first and then think about increasing production capacity," he reinforces." (Text source without errors: Portal Brasil with information from Embrapa, TV NBR and the United Nations Food Organization and Agriculture)

Clarify other doubts about Portuguese:

  • English errors
  • Homonyms and Paronyms
  • THE end or affine?
  • Under or Over?
  • Above or Above?
  • More or But?
  • Session, Assignment, Section and Section
  • Evil or Evil?
  • Finally or In End?
  • Use of Why, Why, Why and Why
  • Up or Up?
  • Welcome, Welcome, Welcome or Welcome?

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