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Spanish language grammar

Articles in Spanish - Articles
- Neutral article lo
- Definite and indefinite articles in Spanish
Nouns in Spanish - Nouns
- Nouns in Spanish (los sustantivos)
- Apocope: rules, examples, mental map and commented exercises
Adjectives in Spanish - Adjectives
- Adjectives in Spanish (los adjectives)
Numerals in Spanish - Numerals
- numbers in spanish
Spanish Prepositions - Prepositions
- Spanish prepositions
Adverbs in Spanish - Adverbs
- adverbs in spanish
- a lot and a lot
Spanish Verbs - Verbs
- Spanish verbs (verbs en español)
- irregular verbs in spanish
- regular verbs in spanish
- 20 most used verbs in Spanish
Spanish Vocabulary - Vocabulary

- days of the week in spanish
- hours in spanish
- months of the year in spanish
Curiosities in Spanish - Curiosities

- Día de los muertos (Day of the dead)
- Spanish in Enem: infallible tips for you to beat the test
- False Cognates in Spanish (False Friends)
- Main Spanish slang (Spain and Latin America)
- 10 Spanish expressions you need to know
Exercises in Spanish - Exercises

- Definite and indefinite articles in Spanish exercises
- hours in spanish exercises
- Text Interpretation in Spanish with Feedback (High School)
- Spanish questions (Enem)
- Spanish verbs exercises